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Best Essential Oils For Anxiety In Anxious Child & How Using Essential Oils Aromatherapy Can Help Children

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As a parent, seeing your child struggle with anxiety can be heartbreaking. While there are many conventional treatments available, essential oils offer a natural and gentle approach to help calm an anxious child. Essential oils have been used for centuries in various cultures for their therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, these oils are utilized to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. This blog will delve into the use of essential oils for anxiety in children, how aromatherapy can help children, and provide practical tips on how to use essential oils safely and effectively.

What Are Essential Oils and How Do They Work?

Essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants, capturing the plant's natural fragrance and therapeutic properties. They work by interacting with the brain and nervous system through the olfactory system (sense of smell) or through skin absorption when diluted and applied. The aromatic compounds in these oils can help to calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils to Calm an Anxious Child

Using essential oils to calm anxious children can offer several benefits:

  • Natural and Safe: When used correctly, essential oils provide a safe alternative to conventional medications, with fewer side effects.
  • Promotes Relaxation: Oils like lavender and chamomile are known for their calming effects, making them ideal for reducing anxiety and promoting restful sleep.
  • Ease of Use: Essential oils can be used in various ways, making them convenient to integrate into your child’s daily routine.
  • Holistic Approach: Incorporating essential oils into your child’s care can complement other anxiety management techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness.

Best Essential Oils for Reducing Anxiety in Children

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and widely used essential oils for reducing anxiety in children. Its calming and soothing properties make it ideal for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. The gentle aroma of lavender helps to calm the nervous system, making it easier for children to fall asleep and stay asleep. It is also known for its ability to ease feelings of restlessness and tension. Lavender can be diffused in a child’s room before bedtime or diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the child’s wrist or soles of the feet.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is another excellent essential oil for calming anxious children. This oil is known for its mild sedative effects, which help to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. It’s particularly beneficial for children who are prone to tantrums or emotional outbursts, as it helps to soothe and balance emotions. Roman Chamomile can be added to a warm bath or used in a diffuser to create a calming atmosphere before bedtime.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet Orange essential oil is a cheerful and uplifting oil that can help to alleviate anxiety in children. Its bright, citrusy scent promotes feelings of happiness and can help to dispel worry and stress. Sweet Orange is gentle enough for children and can be used throughout the day to maintain a positive mood. Diffusing Sweet Orange in the morning can help set a positive tone for the day, while adding it to a personal inhaler can provide comfort on the go.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil is known for its grounding properties, making it an excellent choice for children who experience anxiety. It helps to calm the mind and reduce feelings of fear or worry, making it easier for children to focus and feel secure. Frankincense is also beneficial for deepening breathing, which can be particularly helpful during moments of panic or stress. This oil can be used during meditation or yoga practices to enhance the calming effects.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil has a warm, woodsy aroma that is both grounding and comforting. It is particularly effective in promoting restful sleep and easing nighttime anxiety in children. Cedarwood helps to stabilize emotions and can reduce feelings of overwhelm or agitation. It can be diffused in the bedroom before bedtime or diluted and applied to the back of the neck to help calm an anxious child.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil is a citrus oil with a unique floral undertone, known for its ability to uplift the mood while simultaneously calming the mind. It is highly effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress in children by promoting feelings of joy and relaxation. Bergamot can help to create a peaceful environment, making it easier for children to manage their emotions. This oil can be diffused during playtime or study time to help maintain a balanced mood.

Mandarin Essential Oil

Mandarin essential oil is a gentle, sweet citrus oil that is well-suited for children. Its calming properties make it effective for reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calm and security. Mandarin is particularly helpful in soothing children who are prone to nervousness or nighttime fears. It can be used in a diffuser or diluted and applied to the chest or back for a calming massage.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang essential oil is known for its exotic, floral scent that is both uplifting and relaxing. It is effective in calming the nervous system and reducing symptoms of anxiety in children. Ylang Ylang can help to ease tension and promote emotional balance, making it ideal for use during times of stress or agitation. This oil can be added to a bath or diffused to create a peaceful and calming environment.

Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver essential oil is often referred to as the “oil of tranquility” due to its deeply calming and grounding properties. It is particularly beneficial for children who experience high levels of anxiety or have difficulty settling down. Vetiver helps to soothe the nervous system and promote deep relaxation, making it easier for children to manage stress and sleep peacefully. This oil can be diffused or applied topically (diluted with a carrier oil) to the soles of the feet before bedtime.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oil is known for its rich, woody scent that is both calming and grounding. It helps to reduce anxiety by promoting a sense of peace and mental clarity. Sandalwood is particularly beneficial for children who struggle with focus and concentration due to anxiety. It can be used during study time or before bed to help clear the mind and reduce worry. This oil can be diffused in the home or added to a personal inhaler for use throughout the day.

Rose Essential Oil

Rose essential oil is highly valued for its comforting and uplifting properties. It has a soothing effect on the heart and emotions, making it particularly effective for children who experience anxiety related to emotional distress. Rose oil promotes feelings of love, security, and comfort, helping to calm an anxious child and improve their overall mood. This oil can be diluted and applied to the chest or added to a diffuser to create a nurturing and calming atmosphere.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is a bright, refreshing oil that can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress in children. Its uplifting scent promotes mental clarity and a positive mood, making it easier for children to cope with anxious thoughts. Lemon oil is also known for its ability to boost energy and reduce feelings of fatigue, which can be beneficial for children who experience anxiety-related tiredness. This oil can be diffused during the day to maintain a positive and calm environment.

Choosing the Right Essential Oils for Your Child

When choosing essential oils for your child, consider the following:

  • Age-Appropriate Oils: Some essential oils are not suitable for young children. Always check age recommendations before using.
  • Individual Preferences: Your child may have preferences for certain scents. Involve them in the selection process to find the oils that they find most calming.
  • Reputable Sources: Use oils from a reliable source to ensure you are getting pure oils free from synthetic fragrances or harmful additives.

Different Ways to Use Essential Oils for Reducing Anxiety in Children


Diffusion is one of the most common and effective ways to use essential oils for reducing anxiety in children. A diffuser disperses the oil into the air, allowing your child to inhale the calming aroma naturally. Diffusing essential oils allows the child to experience the calming effects without direct contact with the skin. A diffuser can run throughout the day or night, providing a steady stream of calming scents. You can blend different essential oils to create a personalized scent that your child finds most soothing.

How to Use:

  • Add 5-10 drops of a calming essential oil (like lavender or chamomile) to the diffuser with water, and place it in your child’s room.
  • Use during bedtime, study time, or whenever your child needs to relax.

Topical Application

Applying essential oils topically can provide direct relief from anxiety, especially when combined with massage. Always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut or almond oil) to prevent skin irritation. Applying essential oils to specific areas like the chest, back, or wrists can provide quick and effective relief. The act of massaging the oil into your child’s skin can be soothing and comforting, enhancing the anxiety-relief effects.

How to Use:

  • Mix 1-2 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil.
  • Apply to pulse points (wrists, behind the ears) or the chest and back.
  • Use this method during bedtime or before a stressful event, such as a doctor’s visit.


Inhalation involves breathing in the aroma of essential oils directly or through a personal inhaler. This method is quick and can be done on the go. Inhalation can provide quick relief from anxiety, making it ideal for sudden moments of stress. A personal inhaler can be carried in a backpack or pocket, allowing your child to use it whenever needed.

How to Use:

  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a cotton ball or a personal inhaler.
  • Instruct your child to inhale deeply whenever they feel anxious.
  • This method is particularly useful before tests, public speaking, or other anxiety-inducing activities.

Aromatherapy Bath

An aromatherapy bath combines the calming effects of warm water with the soothing properties of essential oils. This method is ideal for winding down at the end of the day. A warm bath can relax the muscles and calm the mind, making it easier for your child to fall asleep. The essential oils are absorbed through the skin, providing additional benefits beyond inhalation.

How to Use:

  • Add 5-10 drops of a calming essential oil (like lavender or Roman chamomile) to a carrier oil and mix it into the bathwater.
  • Allow your child to soak for 15-20 minutes.
  • This method is great for establishing a relaxing bedtime routine.


Incorporating essential oils into a gentle massage can provide both physical and emotional comfort, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. The act of massage is inherently calming and can help to strengthen the parent-child bond. A massage with essential oils can relax the muscles and prepare your child for sleep.

How to Use:

  • Mix a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil.
  • Gently massage the oil into your child’s back, shoulders, and feet.
  • This can be part of a nightly routine to help your child relax before bed.

Bedtime Spray

A bedtime spray is a simple and effective way to create a calming environment. By spraying essential oils on bedding, pillows, or in the air, you can help your child feel more relaxed and ready for sleep. A quick spritz on the pillow or bedding can instantly create a calming atmosphere. The scent lingers on the fabric, providing ongoing aromatherapy benefits throughout the night.

How to Use:

  • Mix 10-15 drops of essential oil with distilled water in a spray bottle.
  • Lightly spray your child’s pillow, sheets, or the air in their room before bedtime.
  • Lavender, chamomile, or frankincense are great choices for a calming bedtime spray.

Personalized Roller Blend

A personalized roller blend combines essential oils with a carrier oil in a roller bottle, allowing your child to apply it to pulse points whenever they feel anxious. A roller blend can be easily carried and applied whenever your child needs a calming boost. You can create a blend tailored to your child’s specific needs and preferences.

How to Use:

  • Mix 10-15 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil in a roller bottle.
  • Apply to pulse points such as the wrists, temples, or behind the ears.
  • This method is ideal for use throughout the day, especially during stressful situations.

Stuffed Animal Infusion

Infuse your child’s favorite stuffed animal with essential oils by applying a few drops to the fabric or placing a cotton ball with the oil inside the toy. The familiar scent on a beloved toy can provide comfort and reduce anxiety. The toy can be taken anywhere, providing ongoing support throughout the day.

How to Use:

  • Add a drop or two of essential oil to a cotton ball and place it inside the stuffed animal, or directly apply a drop to the toy.
  • This method works well for children who seek comfort from their favorite toys during stressful situations.

DIY Playdough with Essential Oils

Create a calming playdough infused with essential oils. This method combines sensory play with aromatherapy, making it a fun and therapeutic activity. Playing with scented playdough can be a great way for children to relax and express their emotions. The combination of texture and scent helps engage multiple senses, which can be particularly beneficial for anxious children.

How to Use:

  • Mix a few drops of essential oil into homemade or store-bought playdough.
  • Allow your child to play with the dough whenever they need to calm down or focus.
  • Lavender or chamomile essential oils are great choices for this activity.

Scented Pillow or Sleep Sack

Create a scented pillow or sleep sack by adding essential oils to the fabric or using a small sachet filled with cotton balls soaked in essential oils. The soothing scent on the pillow or sleep sack can provide a sense of security and calmness during sleep. This method is particularly effective for helping children who struggle with anxiety-related sleep disturbances.

How to Use:

  • Add a few drops of essential oil to a small sachet or directly to the pillow.
  • Place the scented item inside or near your child’s bed.
  • Use calming oils like lavender or Roman chamomile to help your child relax and fall asleep.

DIY recipes using essential oil for anxiety in children

Calming Bedtime Lotion


  • 1/2 cup unscented lotion (preferably natural and fragrance-free)
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon almond or olive oil


  1. In a small bowl, combine the unscented lotion with fractionated coconut oil and almond or olive oil. These carrier oils will help to dilute the essential oils, making them safe and effective for use with children.
  2. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to the mixture. Lavender and chamomile are known for their calming properties, helping children to feel calmer and sleep better.
  3. Stir the mixture well until all the ingredients are fully combined.
  4. Transfer the lotion into a clean, airtight container for storage.

How to Use:

  • Apply a small amount of the lotion directly to the skin, focusing on areas like the chest, back, and soles of the feet, before bedtime.
  • Use gentle, circular motions to massage the lotion into your child’s skin. The calming scents of lavender and chamomile will help to ease your child's mood and make them feel calmer and more relaxed.


  • This bedtime lotion is designed to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. The combination of lavender and chamomile oils work to calm both the mind and body, making it easier for your child to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • The lotion is also moisturizing, helping to soothe dry skin while providing a calming bedtime routine.

Peppermint and Lavender Roll-On for Anxiety Relief


  • 10 ml roller bottle
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Fractionated coconut oil as a carrier oil


  1. Open the roller bottle and add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Peppermint is known for its ability to uplift the mood and improve focus, while lavender helps to calm and soothe.
  2. Fill the rest of the roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil, ensuring that the oils are diluted for safe use on your child.
  3. Secure the rollerball top and cap, then gently shake the bottle to mix the oils.

How to Use:

  • Apply the roll-on to your child's pulse points, such as the wrists, behind the ears, and on the neck. These are the areas where the oils work most effectively to calm and soothe.
  • You can also apply the roll-on to the soles of your child's feet for a grounding effect.


  • This roll-on blend is perfect for calming a child during stressful moments or before bedtime. The peppermint oil helps to clear the mind, while lavender promotes peace and calming, helping your child to feel more at ease.
  • The compact roller bottle is convenient and ready to use, making it easy to apply throughout the day.

Peaceful Sleep Pillow Spray


  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon witch hazel or vodka
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of mandarin essential oil
  • 5 drops of frankincense essential oil


  1. In a spray bottle, combine distilled water and witch hazel or vodka. Witch hazel or vodka helps to disperse the essential oils evenly in the water.
  2. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 5 drops of mandarin essential oil, and 5 drops of frankincense essential oil to the bottle. Lavender and mandarin oils help to create a calming atmosphere, while frankincense promotes relaxation and deep breathing.
  3. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.

How to Use:

  • Lightly mist your child's pillow, bedding, or the air around their room before bedtime. The calming scents will help your child feel more relaxed and ready to sleep.
  • Use the spray as part of your child's nightly routine to help them wind down after a long day.


  • This pillow spray uses the calming properties of essential oils to help your child relax and get a good night's sleep. The blend of lavender, mandarin, and frankincense oils creates a peaceful environment that is perfect for sleep.
  • It's a simple and effective way to use aromatherapy to support your child's health and well-being.

Soothing Foot Massage Oil


  • 2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil


  1. In a small bowl, mix the fractionated coconut oil with Roman chamomile, ylang-ylang, and lavender essential oils. Fractionated coconut oil acts as a carrier oil, ensuring that the essential oils are properly diluted.
  2. Stir the mixture well to combine the oils.

How to Use:

  • Gently massage the oil into your child's feet, focusing on the soles and between the toes. The massage will help the essential oils to penetrate the skin while also providing physical comfort and relaxation.
  • Use this massage oil before bedtime or during times of anxiety to help your child feel more grounded and relaxed.


  • This foot massage oil helps to soothe discomfort and pain in achy feet while also calming the mind. The blend of chamomile, ylang-ylang, and lavender oils works to promote peace and calming, making it easier for your child to unwind and feel secure.
  • Regular foot massages can also improve circulation and help your child sleep better.

Calming Inhaler for On-the-Go Use


  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 5 drops of bergamot essential oil
  • 1 personal inhaler


  1. Open the personal inhaler and add the essential oils directly to the cotton wick inside. Lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are calming oils that help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  2. Secure the cap on the inhaler and shake it gently to distribute the oils evenly.

How to Use:

  • Instruct your child to take deep breaths from the inhaler whenever they feel anxious or overwhelmed. This method is highly concentrated but safe for children, as the oils are inhaled rather than applied directly to the skin.
  • The inhaler is portable and can be used anywhere, making it a convenient tool for calming children during stressful situations.


  • This DIY aromatherapy inhaler provides a quick and easy way to help your child manage anxiety while on the go. The blend of lavender, chamomile, and bergamot helps to calm the mind and improve mood, making your child feel more at ease in any situation.
  • Inhalers are highly effective because they allow the oils to reach the brain quickly through the sense of smell, promoting immediate calming effects.

Precautions and Cautions When Using Essential Oils for Children

  • Never Use Oils Neat: Do not apply undiluted essential oils directly to your child’s skin as they can cause irritation.
  • Avoid Certain Oils: Oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus should be avoided for young children as they can be too strong and potentially harmful.
  • Consult a Professional: If your child has pre-existing conditions or you’re unsure about using essential oils, consult with a healthcare professional or an aromatherapist.
  • Store Oils Safely: Keep essential oils out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.


Incorporating essential oils into your child’s daily routine can be a gentle and effective way to manage anxiety. From diffusers to topical applications, there are many ways to use essential oils to create a calm and nurturing environment for your child. By understanding the benefits, risks, and proper usage, you can confidently use these natural remedies to support your child’s emotional well-being. Remember to always prioritize essential oil safety and consult a professional if you have any concerns about using essential oils with your child. With the right approach, aromatherapy can help children feel calmer, more secure, and better equipped to handle the challenges of anxiety.

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