What is hydrosol?
The water that remains after a plant's essential oil has been extracted by water or steam distillation is known as a hydrosol.
What is hydrosol used for?
Hydrosol can be used in aromatherapy, facial toners, make-up, ointments etc.
What is the difference between essential oil and hydrosol?
Hydrosols and essential oils share some characteristics, however hydrosols contain a lot more water. They can therefore be applied straight to the skin without the need to dilute them with a carrier oil, making them milder than essential oils.
What is a substitute for hydrosol?
Although essential oil waters don't have all the qualities of a hydrosol, they do contain oils of plants, therefore they can be utilised in place of a hydrosol.
What does hydrosol do to skin?
Hydrosol is not only great at balancing the pH of your skin, but also makes it plump and hydrated with constant use.