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Use Essential Oils To Kill Fleas | Best Essential Oils For Fleas Or Ticks

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If you are a pet owner, you definitely know that fleas can be very irritating. Some of the common symptoms of fleas include scratching and itching on your pet's skin. Also, sometimes the skin of your pet turns pink, and fur starts to fall out. If your pet is showing such symptoms, then there is no need to worry; you have reached the right place. 

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best essential oils that can be used to get rid of fleas and ticks from your pet. But before finding these oils, let's first discuss some of the causes of flea, and also about essential oils and how it helps to get rid of fleas. 

Where Do Fleas Come From?

Fleas, in simple words, can be understood as parasitic creatures that prey on animals, usually pet animals like dogs and cats. But this does not means mean that fleas can not bite humans; fleas can bite humans and give them an itchy discomfort, especially if you have a pet at home. But from where do your pets get infected by fleas, or from where do these fleas are found:

Other Animals: This is one of the most common sources from which your pet can get fleas. If your pet comes across any other household pet that has fleas, then there is a very high chance that your pet will also get fleas. Apart from household pets, fleas can also be found on rabbits, deer, etc. 

Moist Areas: If you live in a moist area that is humid and shady most of the time, then there is a very high chance that you can find fleas on woodpiles or tall grasses. 

Humans: Humans are also carriers of fleas. Fleas can easily stick to human clothes like socks, pants, shoes, etc., and can get transported to your house without being noticed. 

Why Choose A Natural Solution For Flea Control?

Before we delve into the best essential oils for pest control, let's briefly discuss why natural remedies are a preferable option. Traditional chemical-based pest control products often contain harmful toxins that can pose risks to both human health and the environment. On the other hand, natural alternatives, such as essential oils, are non-toxic and free from chemicals, making them a sustainable and safe choice.

Essential oils have been used for centuries for their various therapeutic properties, including their ability to repel and eliminate pests. These potent oils are derived from plants and contain natural compounds that act as effective repellents against fleas, ticks, and other unwanted pests. So, essential oils are effective natural solutions to the problem of fleas. 

What Are The Best Essential Oils For Fleas And Ticks?

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils today. Lavender oil is not only known for its soothing aroma but also for its powerful pest-repelling properties. It works effectively against fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. The pleasant scent of lavender is highly disliked by pests, making it an excellent choice for keeping them at bay.

You can use this oil in the form of spray and target doorways, windows, etc. This oil is also great for soothing the discomfort caused due to flea bites. But before applying essential oil, it is necessary to dilute the oil. 

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is a potent deterrent for a wide range of pests, including fleas, ants, and spiders. Its strong fragrance confuses and repels pests, preventing them from invading your living spaces. This oil not only repels fleas and other insects, but the oil can also be used to kill them. Peppermint oil has properties that help in releasing itchiness. Peppermint oil can be toxic to cats, and thus, it is considered not safe to use around cats. 

3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil is an excellent natural tick repellent. Its strong aroma acts as a barrier, deterring ticks from attaching to humans and pets. Additionally, eucalyptus oil is an effective flea repellent, and it can be used to kill or repel fleas on dogs. Though, always remember that undiluted essential oil is toxic for pets, and thus, it is necessary to dilute the essential oil before applying topically to your pets. 

4. Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass oil contains citronella, which is widely used in natural insect repellents. It is particularly useful in repelling fleas and ticks while leaving a refreshing citrus scent in your home. Lemongrass oil also contains antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to reduce itchiness. 

5. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is renowned for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Beyond that, it also works as an efficient insect repellent, combating fleas and ticks effectively. Though, it is important to know that this oil is very potent and can be dangerous for your pets. So, use it in very small quantities, and that too in diluted form. This is a great oil that can be used in the fight against fleas. 

6. Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood oil is a natural pesticide that repels a variety of pests, including fleas and ticks. Its woody aroma acts as a deterrent, keeping your home and pets pest-free. This oil can be used to kill and repel fleas. The smell of this oil will also protect you and your house from any future invasion of fleas. So, it is always a good choice to have cedar oil at your home as it can come in very handy for many different purposes. 

7. Citronella Essential Oil

This is one of the most effective essential oils available to repel fleas and keep them at bay. Citronella oil is widely known for its mosquito-repelling abilities. However, it is also effective against fleas and ticks, making it a versatile choice for natural pest control. Though, it might be quite toxic for your pets, it is suggested to use it in very small quantities, and it should always be used in diluted form. 

8. Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary oil not only adds flavor to your cooking but also serves as a potent pest repellent. Its strong scent keeps fleas and ticks away, protecting both your home and pets. This is a great natural flea repellent. It can also help in reducing the itchiness caused due to flea bites. 

9. Basil Essential Oil

Basil oil is extracted from a delightful herb, and along with its many benefits, it also has flea-repellent properties. Basil is usually considered safe for use on dogs, but it is suggested to avoid its use on cats as it might not be safe for them. 

10. Clove Essential Oil

Clove oil is rich in eugenol, which is a great compound for flea prevention, as it is found to be toxic to fleas. You can use clove oil on your dogs infested with fleas, as this oil repels fleas and also kills other harmful bacteria. 

11. Geranium Essential Oil 

Geranium essential oil can be used to repel fleas. Geranium oil can kill fleas and ticks and is also safe for topical use after dilution. This is a great oil that can be diffused around the home to prevent flea infestation. 

How To Use Essential Oils To Kill Fleas Or Keep Fleas Away?

  1. Flea Collars: Create your flea collar by applying a few drops of oil to your pet's regular collar. This will help repel fleas while your pet wears it.
  2. Topical Application: Mix the diluted essential oil with water and use a spray bottle to apply it to your pet's fur. Be sure to avoid sensitive areas like the eyes and mouth.
  3. Homemade Flea Spray: Create a homemade flea spray by combining water, vinegar, and your preferred essential oil. Spray this mixture on your pet's bedding and around your home to keep fleas away.
  4. Aromatherapy Diffusers: Using essential oils in aromatherapy diffusers not only freshens up your living spaces but also acts as a pest deterrent. The aroma will naturally repel pests, making it a convenient and effortless method.

What Are The Benefits Of Essential Oils For Flea Treatment?

Using essential oils for flea control offers several benefits:

  1. Chemical-Free: Unlike traditional flea treatments that may contain harsh chemicals, essential oils provide a natural and safer option for flea control.
  2. Environmentally Friendly: Essential oils have a lower impact on the environment compared to chemical-based treatments.
  3. Versatility: Many essential oils have additional therapeutic benefits, such as stress reduction and skin-soothing properties for pets.

DIY Recipes Using Essential Oils To Repel Fleas And Ticks

Recipe #1 - Lavender and Cedarwood Flea Repellent Spray


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil (or any carrier oil of your choice)
  • 10 drops of lavender oil
  • 10 drops of cedarwood oil


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well before each use.
  3. Spray the mixture on your pet's fur, bedding, and around your home to repel fleas.

Recipe #2 - Tea Tree and Lemon Flea-Repelling Collar


  • 1 fabric collar (adjustable to your pet's size)
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil


  1. Apply the tea tree and lemon essential oils evenly on the fabric collar.
  2. Let it dry before putting it on your pet.
  3. The scent will help deter fleas.

Recipe #3 - Eucalyptus and Peppermint Flea-Repellent Sachets


  • Small cloth or mesh bags
  • Dried eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil
  • Dried peppermint leaves or peppermint oil


  1. Fill the small bags with a combination of dried eucalyptus leaves and dried peppermint leaves.
  2. Alternatively, add a few drops of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils onto a cotton ball and place it inside the bags.
  3. Put these sachets in areas where your pet spends time, such as their bed and favorite resting spots.

Recipe #4 - Citronella and Rosemary Flea Control Powder


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 10 drops citronella oil
  • 10 drops rosemary oil


  1. Mix the baking soda, citronella, and rosemary essential oils in a bowl until well combined.
  2. Sprinkle the powder on carpets, rugs, and pet bedding.
  3. Let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming thoroughly.
  4. The powder helps repel fleas and deodorizes your home.

Recipe #5 - Herbal Flea-Repellent Rinse


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers
  • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary leaves
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops of geranium oil


  1. In a small pot, bring the distilled water to a boil.
  2. Add the dried lavender flowers and rosemary leaves to create an herbal infusion.
  3. Let it simmer for 10 minutes, then strain the liquid into a bowl.
  4. Allow the infusion to cool, then stir in the apple cider vinegar and geranium essential oil.
  5. After bathing your pet, pour the rinse over their coat, avoiding their eyes and ears.
  6. This rinse will help repel fleas and leave their fur smelling fresh.

Remember to perform a patch test on your pet before using these DIY recipes, especially if they have sensitive skin or any allergies. Additionally, always dilute essential oils correctly and seek advice from your veterinarian if needed. 


Essential oils are natural solutions for combating fleas and ticks on cats and dogs. The use of pure essential oils, when applied correctly, can help pet owners effectively manage and prevent flea infestations without resorting to harsh chemicals or harmful methods. Choosing the right essential oil is crucial, as certain oils are more effective in repelling fleas and ticks than others. Lavender, cedarwood, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and citronella are among the essential oils known to be particularly useful in this regard.

Apart from using essential oils to get rid of fleas, there are many uses of essential oils, like the calming properties of lavender and the soothing effects of eucalyptus can help alleviate stress and skin irritations caused by flea bites. It's essential to keep in mind that using essential oils around pets can be harmful and so it must be used with caution.

Always dilute the oils correctly and avoid using them on pregnant or nursing animals. A patch test is recommended before widespread application to ensure no adverse reactions occur.

In conclusion, the right selection and proper use of essential oils can help pet owners get rid of fleas and ticks naturally, providing a safe and effective alternative to chemical-based treatments.

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