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Evening Primrose Carrier Oil: Its Many Healing Benefits

Overview Of Evening Primrose Oil

In search of a natural healing remedy? Read on to discover how evening primrose oil is just what you need to holistically heal yourself, renew your skin and get started on your journey towards better wellness.

What Is Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose is a plant native to North & South America, it is a gorgeous yellow flower that blooms at sunset, making it a delightful sight for passing travelers and botanists alike. Most evening primrose flowers are rich in super-hydrating fatty acids that heal dry and chapped skin with ease.

The oil of evening primrose is a versatile remedy for all kinds of irritations due to its abundance of GLA, which is a natural anti-inflammatory that works on your skin and scalp. This “miracle ingredient” makes it suitable for skin, hair and scalp health. Evening primrose also has potent properties that allow you to treat stretch marks and scars when applied topically.

To create this nourishing carrier oil, the flower undergoes an extraction method known as cold-pressing, whereby they are compressed until they become a pale to golden-yellow oil. This method catches the "essence" of the plant's beauty benefits for skin and hair.

A comprehensive report on the ingredients of evening primrose carrier oil has been published in the year 2018 by a team of experts including Magdalena Timoszuk, Katarzyna Bielawska, and Elżbieta Skrzydlewska. (1)

Name Evening Primrose Carrier Oil
Botanical Name Oenothera biennis
Native to Eastern and Central North America
Main ingredients Linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid,
Aroma Sweet aroma
Blends well with Coconut oil and several essential oils
Category -
Substitute Castor or flax seed oil

Is Evening Primrose Essential Oil?

No, evening primrose oil is not an essential oil. It's a carrier oil extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose plant.

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits

Evening primrose is a versatile oil with many benefits. Here are some of the more popular ones.

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits For Skin Issues & Acne

Evening primrose oil renews smoother, clearer skin. With a high linoleic acid content, it helps to soothe sensitive skin types and treat potential breakouts before they leave a mark.

The ingredients in evening primrose oil may also be useful against cystic acne, whiteheads and other skin issues.

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits For Hair Growth

People with thinning hair and balding may find that evening primrose oil is a safe, natural alternative to hair loss treatments.

In addition to promoting hair growth, its high linoleic acid content strengthens hair roots and prevents thinning hair from becoming bald spots.

Good for Skincare and Hair care

Primrose oil is gentle or mild for sensitive sin. It has a soothing effect on the skin and moisturizes it. It maintains the elasticity of the skin and prevents peeling or flaking of the skin. Hence this oil is used to prevent dandruff and scaly scalp. Because of its soothing effect it can be used for acne. It enhances the complexion of the skin and gives it a radiant look.

Many Many Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Primrose

The abundance of fatty acids in the oil makes it a handy tool to ease several common issues. It is one of the rare carrier oils are used in aromatherapy as well. The oil for health is mixed with essential oils for massage.

Evening Primrose for Women

The properties of primrose oil may mitigate the discomfort during periods.

Evening Primrose Oil Topical Benefits

When applied topically evening primrose oil for skin offers several benefits, including:

  • It deeply hydrates the skin.
  • Evening primrose oil for skin can help reduce redness and inflammation. It is suitable for conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • It regulates oil production, and may reduce acne breakouts.
  • It may aid in wound healing and minimize scarring.
  • Evening primrose oil may improve skin elasticity and help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How To Use Evening Primrose Oil

Using this essential oil for stretch marks can be very beneficial. Here are some of our recommended ways to use evening primrose oil:

Evening Primrose Oil For Pregnancy Stretch Marks

If you’re feeling dissatisfied at the bruising, purple lines and reddened skin from stretch marks, you’re not alone. Some women learn to accept their bodies over time, but others wish their bodies would go back to the way it was and that’s okay!

For smooth skin and tone post-pregnancy, renew your skin by applying Evening Primrose Oil 5-6 times a day in a circular motion around the belly or anywhere else that has stretch marks. The oil seeps effortlessly under the skin to fade all kinds of discolorations, bruises and minimize scarring to restore your skin to perfection.

Evening Primrose Oil For Skincare & Selfcare

There’s nothing like pampering yourself with a skin-soothing face mask on the weekend. Since evening primrose is rich in nutrients, crafting a face mask will leave your skin cleansed, acne-free and fresh as a daisy.

Here’s a quick recipe for a delicious evening primrose, banana & coffee mask!


  1. ½ a ripe banana
  2. ¼ tbsp of ground coffee
  3. 1 tbsp of honey
  4. 1 tbsp of evening primrose

Instructions: Mash the banana and mix in the other ingredients. Smear the mixture generously on your face, then wait for 30 minutes - the perfect time to catch up on your favourite series! After the 30 minutes is up, gently wash off the mask and enjoy the feeling of clear and comfortable skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon of primrose oil
  • 2 drops of Roman Chamomile oil
  • 2 drops of neroli oil
  • 4 drops of lavender oil


  • Mix the oils well
  • Apply the oil all across the face and massage it
  • Let it sit for a while; if possible, leave it overnight
  • Wash it off with face wash or gel

Recommended Skincare Oils

Our gentle carrier oils are ethically sourced and contain only 100% natural and organic ingredients. Check out our full range of ECOCERT Certified carrier oils for your skincare needs here.

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