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Best Essential Oil Blends for Headaches | Effective Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraine

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Headaches are a common symptom these days. According to the World Health Organization, nearly half of the adult population has experienced a headache at least once within the last year. The reasons for this uptick are manifold, ranging from lifestyle factors like poor diet and lack of exercise to environmental triggers such as pollution and noise.

As there has been an increasing trend in frequent headaches, so does the search for effective remedies. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and aspirin are often the go-to solutions, but they come with their own set of drawbacks, including potential side effects and the risk of dependency.

One such promising natural remedy is the use of essential oil blends specifically formulated to relieve headaches. Essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from plants that capture their scent, flavor, and beneficial properties. They have been used for centuries in various cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits.

A headache essential oil blend typically combines multiple oils, each with its own set of properties that contribute to headache relief.

Types of Headaches and Common Triggers

The following are the types of headaches and few common triggers.

Type of Headache


Common Triggers

Tension Headache

Characterized by a dull, aching pain often described as a tight band around the head or pressure at the temples or back of the head.

Stress, lack of sleep, poor posture


Intense, throbbing pain usually on one side of the head, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Hormonal changes, certain foods and drinks, stress, changes in sleep pattern

Cluster Headache

Severe, piercing pain usually around one eye or one side of the head, often occurring in clusters or cycles.

Alcohol, change in weather, high altitudes

Why Use Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines?

The use of essential oils for headache relief has gained significant attention in recent years, and for good reason. These concentrated plant extracts offer a natural, side-effect-free alternative to over-the-counter medications, providing relief from various types of headaches. It is the best to dilute essential oils than applying them directly due to their high concentration. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Targeted Relief

Different essential oils have unique properties that target specific types of headaches. For example, peppermint oil is known for its cooling effect.

2. Multi-Symptom Relief

Many essential oils offer more than just pain relief. Lavender oil, for instance, is renowned for its calming effects. Similarly, ginger oil can help reduce nausea. 

3. Customizable Treatment with the Use of Aromatherapy

One of the most appealing aspects of using essential oils for people experiencing headaches is the ability to create your own blends. You can mix and match different oils to find a combination that works best for you, to match the severity of headaches, allowing for a more personalized approach to headache relief.

4. Quick and Convenient

Essential oils are easy to apply and can offer quick relief. Make sure that you are not applying the oil directly on the skin, it's best to dilute it with a carrier oil. Whether you're using a diffuser at home or applying a diluted blend topically, essential oils are a convenient option.

4. Lower Risk of Side Effects

Unlike traditional medications, which can have a range of side effects including stomach issues and risk of dependency, essential oils are generally considered safe when used properly. They offer a natural alternative for those who are looking for a more holistic approach to headache relief.

4. Cost-Effective

In the long run, essential oils can be more cost-effective than continually buying over-the-counter medications. A small bottle of essential oil can last for a long time, especially when used in a diluted form.

5. Eco-Friendly

Most essential oils are derived from sustainable sources and are biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly choice for those looking to reduce their environmental impact.

Comparison of Essential Oils to Over-The-Counter Medications


Essential Oils

Over-the-counter medications

Mechanism of Action

Natural plant extracts that target specific symptoms through aroma and skin absorption.

Chemically formulated to relieve pain and other symptoms; usually taken orally.

Side Effects 

Generally fewer side effects when used properly; possible skin irritation if not diluted.

Potential for stomach issues, liver damage, and dependency with frequent use.


Initial cost may be higher, but a small amount goes a long way.

Generally cheaper initially, but frequent purchases can add up.


Easy to apply through diffusion or topical application; portable.

Usually in pill form, requiring water for ingestion; not always convenient on-the-go.


Can be blended to suit individual needs and preferences.

Fixed formulations; no option for customization.

Multi Symptom Relief

Many oils offer additional benefits like stress relief and anti-nausea properties.

Primarily focused on pain relief; may not address other symptoms.


Most are sustainably sourced and biodegradable.

Chemical production and packaging can have environmental impact.


Best Essential Oils for Headaches

Applying the following best essential oils for headaches. They may help reduce the frequency to relieve from headaches and provide relief.

Name of the Oils



Lavender  Essential Oil 

Lavender oil can be used as Calming agent and known to relieve pain

Diffusion, Topical Application or Aromatherapy

Peppermint Essential Oil

Cooling, Analgesic

Inhalation or Diffusion 

Eucalyptus  Essential Oil

Decongestant, Anti bacterial 

Inhalation or Diffusion

Rosemary Essential Oil

Calming and known to relieve pain and promote relaxation

Topical application or diffusion

Chamomile  Essential Oil

Calming and Relaxing properties

Topical application or diffusion

Frankincense  Essential Oil

Calming and Analgesic

Topical application or diffusion

Ginger  Essential Oil 

Calming and Anti-nausea

Topical application or diffusion

Sandalwood  Essential Oil

Calming and Relaxing properties

Topical application or diffusion

Clary Sage  Essential Oil

Antibacterial and Relaxing

Topical application or diffusion

Bergamot  Essential Oil

Calming and known to relieve pain and promote relaxation

Topical application or diffusion

DIY Headache Essential Oil Blend

Recipe #1 - Stress-Relief Blend


  • 5 drops Lavender Oil

  • 3 drops Chamomile Oil

  • 2 drops Frankincense Oil

  • 30 ml Carrier Oil (e.g., Jojoba or Coconut Oil)


  • Mix the essential oils with a carrier oil in a small glass bowl.

  • Transfer the blend to a rollerball bottle for easy application.

  • Apply essential oils blend to the back of the neck, temples and forehead when experiencing stress-induced headaches.

Recipe #2 - Tension Headache Blend


  • 4 drops Peppermint Oil

  • 4 drops Rosemary Oil

  • 30 ml Carrier Oil (e.g., Almond or Grapeseed Oil)


  • Combine the Peppermint and Rosemary oils in a bowl.

  • Add the carrier oil and mix thoroughly.

  • Store the blend in a dark glass bottle.

  • Apply a small amount to the forehead and temples, massaging gently, and may help relieve headache. 

Recipe #3 - Migraine Relief Blend


  • 3 drops Lavender Oil

  • 2 drops Ginger Oil

  • 2 drops Peppermint Oil

  • 30 ml Carrier Oil (e.g., Jojoba or Coconut Oil)


  • Mix the essential oils in a glass bowl. Lavender and Peppermint oil may help to relieve from pain. 

  • Add the carrier oil and blend well. For effective results, it is the best to dilute 

  • Transfer the mixture to a rollerball bottle.

  • Apply to the temples, forehead, and back of the neck at the onset of a migraine.

Recipe #4 - Sinus Headache Blend


  • 5 drops Eucalyptus Oil

  • 3 drops Peppermint Oil

  • 30 ml Carrier Oil (e.g., Almond or Olive Oil)


  • Combine the Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils in a bowl.

  • Add the carrier oil and mix well.

  • Store the blend in a dark glass bottle.

  • Inhale deeply or apply topically to the sinus areas to relieve sinus headaches.

Recipe #5 - Hormone-Balancing Blend


  • 4 drops Clary Sage Oil

  • 3 drops Lavender Oil

  • 30 ml Carrier Oil (e.g., Jojoba or Coconut Oil)


  • Mix the Clary Sage and Lavender oils in a glass bowl.

  • Add the carrier oil and blend well.

  • Transfer the mixture to a rollerball bottle.

  • Apply to the wrists and temples during hormone-related headaches.

Expert Tips for Essential Oil Blending

1. Quality Matters

Tip: Always use high-quality, 100% pure essential oils. Low-quality oils may not provide the therapeutic benefits you're looking for and could even be harmful.

2. Know Your Ratios

Tip: The general rule for dilution is to use 1-2% essential oil to carrier oil. For example, for 30 ml of carrier oil, you'd use 6-12 drops of essential oil.

3. Synergy is Key

Tip: Some oils work better together than alone. Research or consult experts to find out which oils have synergistic effects for your specific needs.

4. Test for Sensitivity

Tip: Always perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for allergic reactions before applying a new blend.

5. Store Properly

Tip: Store your essential oil blends in dark glass bottles to protect them from light, which can degrade the oils over time.

6. Temperature Matters

Tip: Some essential oils are sensitive to temperature changes. Store them in a cool, dark place to maintain their therapeutic properties.

7. Consult Professionals

Tip: If you're new to essential oils or have specific health concerns, consult an aromatherapist or healthcare provider for personalized advice.


The popular Essential oils offer a versatile, natural, and effective way to manage headaches. From the increasing prevalence of headaches to the various types of headaches and their triggers, it's clear that a one-size-fits-all solution is often not sufficient.

This is where the beauty of essential oils comes in. With their range of benefits, from targeted and multi-symptom relief to lower risks of side effects, essential oils present a compelling alternative to traditional headache remedies.

Remember to always dilute the essential oils properly, and consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any medical conditions. Discontinue use if one experiences serious health conditions. By following expert tips and DIY recipes, essential oils may help to find the relief you've been searching for.

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