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Essential Oils For Morning Sickness | Is It Safe To Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy?

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it often comes with its challenges. Morning sickness, a common pregnancy discomfort, can dampen this joyous period. If you're seeking natural remedies to alleviate morning sickness, you've come to the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the top essential oils that one can use to deal with morning sickness. Essential oils might be helpful in treating morning sickness. 

But before we explore the wonders of essential oils, let's grasp the basics of morning sickness. This condition, marked by nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, can affect any expectant mother, especially during the first trimester. While it's a sign of a healthy pregnancy, the discomfort it brings can be overwhelming.

Best Essential Oils For Morning Sickness | Essential Oils For Pregnancy

1. Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil, extracted from the ginger root, is a powerhouse against nausea. Its warm and spicy aroma is well-known for its ability to settle the stomach. Inhaling ginger essential oil can provide quick relief from morning sickness. You can also add a few drops to a carrier oil and massage it on your wrists for prolonged comfort.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil offers a refreshing and cooling sensation. Inhaling peppermint oil can curb nausea and alleviate headaches, which are often linked with morning sickness. For best results, diffuse a few drops in your living space or inhale it directly from the bottle. You can also drink peppermint tea to help alleviate nausea and improve digestion.

3. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil, with its vibrant citrus scent, is excellent for combating morning sickness. Inhaling its aroma can provide an instant energy boost and relieve feelings of queasiness. You can diffuse it in your bedroom or workplace for a refreshing atmosphere.

4. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is renowned for its calming properties. Stress can exacerbate morning sickness, making relaxation vital. Inhaling lavender oil promotes tranquility, reducing stress levels and, consequently, nausea. This is one of the best essential oils to use for morning sickness during pregnancy. A few drops on your pillow at night can lead to a more peaceful sleep.

5. Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint essential oil offers a milder alternative to peppermint. Its subtle minty scent can relieve nausea without overwhelming your senses. Diffuse spearmint oil in your home or office to create a soothing environment.

6. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil is known for its respiratory benefits, but its fresh aroma also aids in reducing queasiness. Diffusing eucalyptus oil can clear the air, making breathing easier and alleviating morning sickness symptoms.

7. Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile essential oil is another great oil known for its calming benefits. Chamomile oil, derived from chamomile flowers, has natural calming properties. Inhaling its gentle aroma promotes relaxation and helps in managing stress, providing relief from morning sickness.

8. Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil carries the essence of sunshine. Its cheerful aroma can uplift your spirits and reduce feelings of nausea. Citrus oils are very uplifting and create a great aromatic ambiance and experience for you. Diffuse orange oil in your home to create a positive atmosphere.

9. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil, with its deep and woody scent, is renowned for its calming effect on the mind. Inhaling frankincense oil promotes emotional balance, reducing stress and alleviating morning sickness symptoms.

10. Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil, derived from citrus fruit, has a delightful and uplifting aroma. Inhaling its scent can enhance your mood and alleviate feelings of nausea. Diffuse bergamot oil in your living space for a cheerful ambiance.

11. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oil has a grounding and earthy fragrance. Inhaling its aroma promotes mental clarity and relaxation, reducing stress levels and easing morning sickness discomfort. Using this oil in a diffuser can help improve mood

12. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang essential oil, with its floral and sweet scent, is renowned for its calming properties. Inhaling its aroma can reduce anxiety and stress, providing relief from morning sickness. Add a few drops to your diffuser for a peaceful environment.

13. Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli essential oil, extracted from orange blossoms, has a delightful and soothing aroma. Inhaling neroli oil can uplift your mood and alleviate nausea. Diffuse neroli oil in your home to create a serene atmosphere.

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Utilizing essential oils for morning sickness comes with a myriad of benefits, making them a popular choice among expectant mothers. Here are the key advantages of incorporating essential oils into your pregnancy routine:

1. Natural and Chemical-Free Relief

Essential oils provide a natural alternative to over-the-counter medications. They are free from harmful chemicals, offering a gentle and safe way to alleviate morning sickness without any adverse effects on you or your baby.

2. Quick and Effective Nausea Relief

Essential oils like ginger and peppermint work swiftly to alleviate nausea and vomiting. Inhaling their soothing aroma provides almost instant relief, allowing you to manage morning sickness symptoms efficiently and carry on with your daily activities.

3. Emotional Well-Being and Stress Reduction

Pregnancy can bring emotional challenges, and stress often worsens morning sickness. Aromatherapy using essential oils such as lavender and ylang-ylang promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. This emotional balance can significantly contribute to easing nausea.

4. Improved Sleep Quality

Essential oils like lavender have calming properties that promote better sleep. By diffusing lavender oil in your bedroom, you can enjoy a more restful sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and better equipped to handle morning sickness.

5. Customizable Solutions

One of the significant advantages of essential oils is their versatility. There are various oils available, each with unique properties. This variety allows you to customize your approach, experimenting with different oils to find the ones that work best for you.

6. Enhanced Overall Well-Being

Beyond alleviating morning sickness, essential oils contribute to your overall well-being. Their pleasant aromas can uplift your mood, enhance your mental clarity, and create a positive environment, fostering a sense of peace and contentment during your pregnancy.

Different Ways To Use Essential Oils For Morning Sickness

When it comes to using essential oils for morning sickness, there are several effective methods to explore. Each approach offers unique benefits, allowing you to customize your experience and find what works best for you. Here are different ways to incorporate essential oils into your routine to alleviate morning sickness:

1. Aromatherapy Diffusion

One of the best ways to get rid of morning sickness is through aromatherapy. Aromatherapy diffusers are a popular and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Add a few drops of your preferred essential oil, such as ginger or peppermint, to a diffuser. The diffuser will disperse the oil into the air, allowing you to inhale the aroma and experience quick relief from nausea.

2. Topical Application

Diluting essential oils with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, creates a safe mixture for topical application. Gently massage the diluted oil onto your wrists, temples, or the back of your neck. This method allows the oils to absorb through your skin, providing a continuous release of the oil's beneficial properties.

3. Inhalation

Inhaling essential oils directly from the bottle or using a handkerchief with a drop or two of oil can provide immediate relief. This method is particularly useful when you're on the go or in situations where using a diffuser is not practical. Simply inhale deeply and let the aroma work its magic.

4. Pillow Diffusion

Applying a few drops of essential oil to your pillow or a cotton pad placed near your pillow can create a soothing environment conducive to better sleep. This method is especially helpful if morning sickness disrupts your sleep patterns. Oils like lavender or chamomile can promote relaxation and improve the quality of your rest.

5. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is an excellent way to clear your sinuses and reduce nausea. Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel, creating a tent over the bowl, and inhale the steam deeply. This method not only helps with morning sickness but also provides relief if you're experiencing congestion.

6. Bath Soak

A warm bath infused with essential oils can be incredibly relaxing. Mix a few drops of your preferred essential oil with a carrier oil or bath salt and add it to your bathwater. The warm water will help the oils evaporate, creating a calming atmosphere. This method is perfect for unwinding and easing morning sickness simultaneously.

7. Scented Tissues

Apply a drop or two of essential oil to a tissue and keep it with you throughout the day. Whenever you feel nauseous, inhale the aroma from the scented tissue. It's a discreet and portable way to use essential oils, providing relief whenever and wherever you need it.

Is Essential Oils Safe To Use During Pregnancy?

Yes, it is generally safe to use essential oils during pregnancy, but with certain precautions. While many essential oils can be beneficial and provide relief from various pregnancy discomforts, it's essential to use them cautiously and consult with a healthcare provider or a certified aromatherapist before incorporating them into your routine. Here are some guidelines to ensure the safe use of essential oils during pregnancy:

1. Consultation with a Healthcare Provider

Always consult your healthcare provider before using any essential oils, especially if you have underlying health conditions, complications, or a high-risk pregnancy. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history.

2. Choose High-Quality Oils

Select high-quality, pure essential oils from reputable sources. Look for oils that are labeled as "therapeutic grade" or "pure essential oil" to ensure their authenticity.

3. Dilution

Essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be diluted with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin. Use a carrier oil, like jojoba oil, coconut oil, or sweet almond oil, to dilute essential oils before topical application.

4. Avoid Certain Oils

Some essential oils are best avoided during pregnancy due to their strong properties. Oils such as basil, cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and sage should be used sparingly or avoided altogether, especially in the first trimester.

5. Pregnancy-Safe Oils

Opt for gentle essential oils like lavender, chamomile, ginger, lemon, and ylang-ylang, which are considered safe for use during pregnancy. These oils can be used in moderation and when properly diluted.

6. Inhalation and Diffusion

Inhalation and diffusion are generally safe methods of using essential oils during pregnancy. Diffusing oils in well-ventilated spaces or inhaling steam with a few drops of oil can be effective and safe ways to experience their benefits.

7. Avoid Ingestion

It is strongly advised not to ingest essential oils during pregnancy. Even oils considered safe for external use should never be taken orally without the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

8. Perform Patch Tests

Before using any essential oil on your skin, perform a patch test to check for allergies or sensitivities. Apply a small diluted amount to a small area of your skin and wait for 24 hours to see if any adverse reactions occur.

9. Listen to Your Body

Every pregnancy is different, and each woman's body reacts differently to essential oils. If you experience any discomfort, irritation, or adverse reactions, discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice.

DIY Essential Oil Blend Recipes To Use During Pregnancy

Following are the top 5 essential oil recipes that you can use if you're looking for natural solutions to treat nausea during pregnancy.  

Recipe #1 - Soothing Ginger Tea


  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 drop ginger essential oil
  • 1 drop fennel essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
  • Fresh lemon slices (for garnish)


  1. Boil the water and pour it into a cup.
  2. Add grated ginger to the hot water and let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Remove the ginger pieces or strain the tea.
  4. Add a drop of ginger and fennel oil along with honey (if desired) for sweetness.
  5. Garnish with fresh lemon slices.
  6. Stir well and let it cool slightly before sipping.

How to Use: Enjoy this tea whenever you feel nauseous, preferably in the morning or before meals.


  • Ginger is well-known for its anti-nausea properties and aids in digestion, making it an excellent remedy for morning sickness.

Recipe #2 - Refreshing Peppermint Inhalation


  • 1 bowl of hot water
  • 3-4 drops peppermint essential oil


  1. Boil water and pour it into a heat-safe bowl.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil to the hot water.
  3. Cover your head with a towel, creating a tent over the bowl.
  4. Inhale the steam deeply for 5-10 minutes.

How to Use: Inhale the peppermint-infused steam whenever you experience nausea, taking slow and deep breaths.


  • Peppermint essential oil's refreshing aroma can quickly alleviate nausea and provide a cooling effect, promoting relaxation.

Recipe #3 - Calming Lavender Pillow Spray


  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil


  1. Mix distilled water and witch hazel in a spray bottle.
  2. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the mixture.
  3. Shake well before each use.
  4. Spray a light mist on your pillow and bedding before sleep.

How to Use: Spray the lavender pillow spray on your pillow and bedding every night before sleeping to enjoy its calming effects.


  • Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation and reduces stress, helping you sleep better and easing morning sickness.

Recipe #4 - Uplifting Citrus Blend


  • 2 drops lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops orange essential oil
  • 2 drops grapefruit essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon carrier oil (such as jojoba or sweet almond oil)


  1. Mix lemon, orange, and grapefruit essential oils in a small glass bowl.
  2. Add the carrier oil to the blend and stir well to combine.
  3. Store the blend in a small, dark-colored glass bottle with a dropper.

How to Use: Massage a few drops of the citrus blend onto your wrists, temples, and behind your ears whenever you feel nauseous.


  • Citrus essential oils offer a refreshing and uplifting aroma, helping combat morning sickness and boosting your mood.

Recipe #5 - Soothing Bath Salts


  • 1 cup Epsom salt
  • 10 drops chamomile essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 1/2 cup baking soda


  1. Mix Epsom salt and baking soda in a bowl.
  2. Add chamomile, lavender, and ylang-ylang essential oils to the salt mixture.
  3. Stir well to distribute the oils evenly.
  4. Store the bath salts in an airtight container.

How to Use: Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the soothing bath salts to your warm bathwater and soak for 15-20 minutes.


  • The combination of Epsom salt and calming essential oils creates a relaxing bath experience, easing nausea and promoting overall well-being. These three essential oils are known for their calmness and natural soothing. 

These are some of the DIY recipes that can be tried by pregnant women for morning sickness and nausea. If you want, you can also use your favorite essential oil and customize these recipes. 

*Note: Avoid using undiluted essential oil topically, as it can irritate your skin. Always dilute the oil and apply it on your skin. It is advised to consult your doctor before using essential oils. Essential oils are not meant to be ingested, so avoid ingesting essential oils.  


Essential oils are one of the best natural solutions to treat pregnancy nausea. Using essential oils for nausea is one of the best home remedies. Essential oils can help to offer relief from many health conditions. Essential oils are safe for use, but still, it is recommended to consult your doctor before using them during pregnancy. If you have any allergic reactions to natural oils, then you shouldn't use essential oils. 

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