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Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil - Which One Is Better?

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For centuries, people have sought natural remedies to enhance their beauty and well-being. Two oils that have consistently risen to the top are argan oil and jojoba oil. Both are derived from plants and boast a wealth of benefits for skin and hair. But with so much overlap in their uses, it can be confusing to determine which oil is better suited for your needs.

In this article, we will delve into the unique properties of argan oil and jojoba oil, comparing their effectiveness for various skin and hair concerns. We'll also explore factors to consider when choosing between these two natural wonders.

Argan Oil: The Liquid Gold of Morocco

Argan oil is extracted from the kernels of the argan tree, a majestic plant native to Morocco. This oil has been prized for centuries by Berber women for its cosmetic and medicinal properties. The extraction process is meticulous, often involving hand-cracking the argan shells and cold-pressing the kernels to yield a golden oil with a nutty aroma.

Argan oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, particularly oleic acid and linoleic acid. These fatty acids play a crucial role in maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Additionally, argan oil is packed with antioxidants like vitamin E and phenols, which help combat free radical damage and protect the skin from premature aging.

Jojoba Oil: The Mimic of Human Sebum

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant, a drought-resistant plant found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Unlike most other oils, jojoba oil is a liquid wax ester that closely resembles human sebum, the natural oil produced by our skin. This similarity makes it readily absorbed by the skin and hair.

Jojoba oil is primarily composed of long-chain fatty alcohols and esters. These components mimic the skin's natural sebum, allowing for easy absorption and promoting a balanced oil production. Jojoba oil is rich in vitamins A, E, and D, which contribute to overall skin health.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Skin

Argan Oil for Skin

  • Moisturization: Argan oil's fatty acid content effectively hydrates the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. It's particularly beneficial for dry and mature skin.
  • Anti-aging: The antioxidants in argan oil help neutralize free radicals, which can contribute to wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Acne Reduction: Argan oil's non-comedogenic properties make it suitable for acne-prone skin. It can help regulate sebum production and reduce inflammation.
  • Wound Healing: Studies suggest that argan oil may promote wound healing due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Jojoba Oil for Skin

  • Moisturization: Jojoba oil mimics sebum, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the skin's natural oils. This provides excellent hydration without clogging pores.
  • Sensitive Skin Soother: Jojoba oil's gentle nature makes it ideal for sensitive skin. It can help alleviate irritation and dryness.
  • Acne Control: Jojoba oil's ability to regulate sebum production can help prevent acne breakouts.
  • Makeup Remover: Jojoba oil can gently remove makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Hair

Argan Oil for Hair

  • Hair Hydration: Argan oil's vitamin E content nourishes and hydrates dry, brittle hair. It reaches hair follicles and promotes hair health, thus being a great oil for hair care
  • Scalp Health: Argan oil can help soothe an itchy scalp and reduce dandruff, and also promotes hair growth.
  • Shine Enhancement: Argan oil adds a natural shine to hair without leaving it greasy.
  • Heat Protectant: Argan oil can provide some protection against heat damage caused by styling tools.

Jojoba Oil for Hair

  • Hair Conditioning: Jojoba oil acts as a natural conditioner, leaving hair soft, manageable, and frizz-free.
  • Scalp Soothing: Similar to argan oil, jojoba oil can help alleviate scalp irritation and dandruff.
  • Hair Growth Promotion: Jojoba oil may stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Shine Booster: Jojoba oil adds a healthy shine to hair without weighing it down.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Beards

1. Argan Oil for beard

It is Ideal for dry, coarse, or itchy beards.

Intense Hydration: Argan oil's richness, packed with fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid, provides deep hydration, taming coarse beard hair and preventing dryness.

Reduced Itchiness: The anti-inflammatory properties of argan oil can soothe an itchy beard, especially helpful during beard growth.

Tames Frizz: Argan oil helps control frizz, making your beard appear more manageable and polished.

Shine Booster: Argan oil adds a healthy shine to your beard without leaving it greasy.

Potential Growth Promoter: While research is ongoing, some believe argan oil's vitamin E content may stimulate beard growth by promoting blood circulation in the scalp.

2. Jojoba Oil for beard

It is suitable for all beard types, including oily or sensitive skin.

Lightweight Hydration: Jojoba oil's similarity to sebum, your skin's natural oil, allows for easy absorption without clogging pores. It provides excellent hydration for all beard types, especially those prone to oiliness.

Beard Acne Fighter: Jojoba oil regulates sebum production, potentially reducing beard acne breakouts.

Softens Beard Hair: Jojoba oil can help soften coarse beard hair, making it more manageable and reducing the chance of ingrown hairs.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Similar to argan oil, jojoba oil may soothe irritation and itchiness associated with beard growth.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Acne

1. Argan Oil for acne

Non-Comedogenic: Argan oil generally doesn't clog pores, making it suitable for acne-prone skin.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Argan oil's anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce redness and swelling associated with acne breakouts.

Linoleic Acid Content: Argan oil contains linoleic acid, which can help regulate sebum production, potentially reducing breakouts.

2. Jojoba Oil for acne

Sebum Regulation: Jojoba oil closely resembles sebum, the natural oil your skin produces. This can trick your skin into reducing sebum production, preventing clogged pores and breakouts.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Similar to argan oil, jojoba oil can help reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne.

Gentle on Skin: Jojoba oil is generally non-irritating, making it suitable for sensitive skin prone to acne breakouts.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Lips

1. Argan Oil for Lips

Deep Hydration: Argan oil, packed with fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid, provides deep hydration, leaving lips feeling soft and supple.

Wound Healing Properties: Studies suggest argan oil's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may aid in healing chapped lips.

Protection: Argan oil creates a protective barrier on the lips, shielding them from harsh weather conditions and environmental irritants.

Rich Texture: Argan oil's richness offers a luxurious feel, ideal for those who prefer a thicker lip balm substitute.

2. Jojoba Oil for lips

Lightweight Hydration: Jojoba oil's similarity to sebum, your skin's natural oil, allows for easy absorption without leaving a greasy residue. This makes it ideal for daytime lip care.

Soothing Properties: Jojoba oil's anti-inflammatory properties can soothe irritation and dryness associated with chapped lips.

Locks in Moisture: Jojoba oil helps prevent moisture loss from the lips, keeping them hydrated for longer.

Lightweight Texture: Jojoba oil's lightweight texture makes it a comfortable choice for all-day lip care.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Stretch Marks

1. Argan Oil for Stretch Marks

Rich in Vitamin E and A: Argan oil is a rich source of vitamin E and A, both essential for skin health and regeneration. These vitamins may help improve skin elasticity, potentially reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

Moisturizing Properties: Stretch marks often appear due to dryness and loss of skin elasticity. Argan oil's fatty acid content provides deep hydration, keeping the skin supple and potentially lessening the visibility of stretch marks.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Argan oil's anti-inflammatory properties might help reduce the redness and inflammation associated with new stretch marks.

2. Jojoba Oil for Stretch Marks

Mimics Sebum: Jojoba oil's similarity to sebum, your skin's natural oil, allows for easy absorption, keeping the skin hydrated and supple. This can potentially help prevent new stretch marks from forming.

Soothing Properties: Jojoba oil's anti-inflammatory properties might soothe the itching and discomfort associated with stretch marks.

Lightweight Texture: Jojoba oil's lightweight texture makes it comfortable for daily use on the body.

Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil For Scalp

1. Argan Oil for Scalp

Deep Hydration: Argan oil, rich in fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid, provides deep hydration for the scalp, preventing dryness and flaking.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Argan oil's anti-inflammatory effects might soothe an itchy scalp and reduce irritation caused by dryness or dandruff.

Potential Dandruff Relief: While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that argan oil's antifungal properties may help alleviate dandruff symptoms.

Scalp Soothing: Argan oil can help calm a sensitive scalp and promote a more comfortable feeling.

2. Jojoba Oil for Scalp

Sebum Regulation: Jojoba oil closely resembles sebum, the natural oil your scalp produces. This can help regulate sebum production, potentially preventing an overly dry or oily scalp.

Dandruff Relief: Jojoba oil's antifungal and antibacterial properties may help combat dandruff and scalp conditions.

Lightweight and Absorbent: Jojoba oil's lightweight texture is easily absorbed by the scalp without clogging pores, making it suitable for all hair types.

Soothing Properties: Similar to argan oil, jojoba oil can soothe an itchy scalp and promote a healthy scalp environment.

How to Use Argan Oil and Jojoba Oil for Various Needs

Both argan oil and jojoba oil offer a multitude of benefits for skin, hair, and even the scalp. Here's a breakdown on how to use each oil for the purposes discussed earlier:

For the Face

Skin Type: Consider your skin type when choosing an oil.

  • Argan Oil: Ideal for dry, mature, or irritated skin.
  • Jojoba Oil: Ideal for oily, combination, or sensitive skin.


  1. Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser and pat it dry.
  2. Apply 2-3 drops of your chosen oil to your fingertips.
  3. Gently massage the oil into your face and neck in circular motions.
  4. Apply moisturizer on top, if needed (especially for drier skin types with argan oil).

Frequency: Use once or twice daily.

For the Beard

Beard Type: Consider your beard's needs.

  • Argan Oil: Ideal for coarse, dry, or itchy beards.
  • Jojoba Oil: Suitable for all beard types, including oily or sensitive skin.


  1. Wash your beard with a beard wash or shampoo and pat it dry.
  2. Apply a few drops of oil to your fingertips.
  3. Massage the oil into your beard, ensuring it reaches the skin beneath.
  4. Comb through your beard to distribute the oil evenly.

Frequency: Use daily or every other day.

For Acne-Prone Skin

  • Oil Choice: Jojoba oil is generally a safer bet due to its lighter texture and sebum-regulating properties. However, you can try argan oil if your acne is mild.
  • Application: Follow the same application method as for the face (mentioned above).
  • Patch Test: Always do a patch test before applying any new oil to your face.
  • Additional Tips: Maintain a regular cleansing routine, stay hydrated, and manage stress to support overall skin health and reduce acne flare-ups.

For Lips

Oil Choice: Consider your preference.

  • Argan Oil: Ideal for deeply hydrating dry, chapped lips. However, its richness might feel heavy for some.
  • Jojoba Oil: Great for daytime use due to its lightweight, non-greasy texture.


  1. Apply a small drop of oil to your fingertip.
  2. Gently massage the oil onto your lips.

Frequency: Reapply throughout the day, especially after eating or drinking.

For Stretch Marks

Prevention is Key: Both oils might be more effective in preventing stretch marks with consistent use during pregnancy or weight changes.


  1. Massage a few drops of oil onto the affected area.
  2. Focus on areas prone to stretch marks like the abdomen, thighs, breasts, and buttocks.

Frequency: Use daily, ideally twice a day during pregnancy or weight fluctuations.

For the Scalp

Oil Choice: Consider your scalp's needs.

  • Argan Oil: Ideal for dry, itchy scalps.
  • Jojoba Oil: Great for all hair types, especially oily scalps and dandruff.


  1. Apply a few drops of oil to your fingertips.
  2. Massage the oil gently into your scalp, focusing on areas prone to dryness or dandruff.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour.
  4. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

Frequency: Use 1-2 times a week.

General Tips

  • Quality Matters: Choose high-quality, cold-pressed, and organic oils for maximum benefits.
  • Patch Test: Before applying any new oil to your skin or scalp, do a patch test on your inner elbow and wait 24 hours to check for allergies.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular use is essential for optimal results.
  • Less is More: Start with a small amount of oil and adjust as needed.

DIY Recipes Using Argan Oil And Jojoba Oil for Daily Routine

Argan and jojoba oil are natural powerhouses beneficial for your hair and skin. Here are a few DIY recipes to incorporate them into your daily routine:

Recipe #1 - Nourishing Face Serum (For Dry Skin)


  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil (easily absorbed by the skin)
  • 1 tablespoon rosehip oil (rich in vitamin A)
  • 2-3 drops of argan oil (rich in antioxidants and fatty acids)
  • 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil (soothing and calming)


  1. In a dark dropper bottle, combine all the carrier oils (jojoba, rosehip, argan).
  2. Add the lavender essential oil and swirl gently to mix.
  3. Shake well before each use.

How to Use:

  • Apply 2-3 drops to your cleansed face and neck at night.
  • Gently massage the oil into your skin.


  • This serum hydrates and nourishes dry skin with the combined power of jojoba, rosehip, and argan oil.
  • Lavender essential oil adds a calming effect and promotes relaxation.

Recipe #2 - Frizz-Fighting Hair Oil (For All Hair Types)


  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil (easily absorbed by the hair)
  • 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil (lightweight and non-greasy)
  • 3-4 drops of argan oil (adds shine and tames frizz)
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil (promotes hair growth)


  1. Combine all the carrier oils (jojoba, grapeseed, argan) in a dark dropper bottle.
  2. Add the rosemary essential oil and swirl gently to mix.
  3. Shake well before each use.

How to Use:

  • Apply 2-3 drops to your fingertips and massage it onto damp hair, focusing on the mid-lengths and ends.
  • You can also use a dime-sized amount on dry hair to tame frizz throughout the day.


  • This hair oil blend helps control frizz and flyaways without weighing down your hair.
  • Jojoba oil's similar makeup to sebum allows for easy absorption, while grapeseed oil keeps it lightweight.
  • Argan oil adds shine and tames frizz, and rosemary essential oil promotes healthy hair growth.

Recipe #3 - Gentle Makeup Remover (For All Skin Types)


  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil (easily absorbed by the skin and removes makeup)
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil (gentle on sensitive skin)
  • 2 drops of argan oil (nourishes the skin)


  1. Combine all the carrier oils (jojoba, sweet almond, argan) in a clean container.
  2. Shake well before each use.

How to Use:

  • Apply a few drops to a cotton pad and gently massage over your face and eyes to remove makeup.
  • Rinse with warm water or follow with a gentle cleanser.


  • This natural makeup remover effectively removes makeup without stripping your skin's natural oils.
  • Jojoba oil helps unclog pores and removes makeup, while sweet almond oil is gentle even on sensitive skin.
  • Argan oil nourishes the skin after makeup removal.

Recipe #4 - Soothing After-Sun Lotion (For Dry Skin and Sunburn Relief)


  • ¼ cup aloe vera gel (soothes sunburns and hydrates)
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil (easily absorbed by the skin)
  • 1 tablespoon argan oil (rich in antioxidants to promote healing)
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil (calming and promotes relaxation)


  1. In a clean bowl, whisk together the aloe vera gel and jojoba oil until well combined.
  2. Slowly whisk in the argan oil and lavender essential oil.
  3. Store in a dark, airtight container.

How to Use:

  • Apply a generous amount of lotion to sun-exposed areas after showering or bathing.
  • Gently massage the lotion into your skin.


  • This after-sun lotion provides relief from sunburn and dry, irritated skin after sun exposure.
  • Aloe vera soothes and cools the skin, while jojoba oil and argan oil offer deep hydration and promote healing with their rich antioxidant content.
  • Lavender essential oil adds a calming effect, making it ideal for post-sun relaxation.

Recipe #5 - Deep Conditioning Hair Mask (For All Hair Types, Especially Dry or Damaged Hair)


  • 1 ripe avocado (rich in vitamins and fatty acids to nourish hair)
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil (easily absorbed by the hair)
  • 1 tablespoon argan oil (adds shine and strengthens hair)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (natural humectant for added moisture)


  1. Mash the avocado in a bowl until it forms a smooth paste.
  2. Add the jojoba oil, argan oil, and honey, and mix well to create a creamy mask.

How to Use:

  • Apply the hair mask generously to damp hair, focusing on the mid-lengths and ends.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo as usual.


  • This deep conditioning hair mask provides intense nourishment and hydration for dry, damaged, or frizzy hair.
  • The avocado offers a rich source of vitamins and fatty acids to nourish the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Jojoba oil's easy absorption and argan oil's shine-enhancing properties work together to strengthen and add shine to your hair.
  • Honey acts as a natural humectant, attracting and retaining moisture in your hair, preventing dryness and hair fall, especially in dry climates.

Key Takeaways

  • Comedogenic Rating: While argan oil has a comedogenic rating of 0 (meaning it's unlikely to clog pores), some individuals with very oily skin might find it too heavy. If you have oily skin, consider using mostly jojoba oil in your DIY recipes.
  • Essential Oils: Essential oils are potent and should be used with dilution in carrier oils like jojoba or argan oil. Never apply essential oils directly to your skin.
  • Patch Test: Before applying any new product to your face or hair, do a patch test on your inner elbow and wait 24 hours to check for allergies.
  • Skin Conditions: If you have any pre-existing skin conditions, consult a dermatologist before using these recipes on your face.
  • Hair Loss: While these recipes can promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair fall by nourishing the scalp, they are not a cure for hair loss caused by underlying medical conditions.
  • Overall Health and Beauty: Remember, a healthy diet and lifestyle are crucial for overall health and beauty. These DIY recipes can be a great complement to your routine, but prioritize a balanced approach.
  • Storage: Store your DIY creations in a cool, dark place to preserve their freshness.

Risks nd Precautions of Using Jojoba and Argan Oil

While both jojoba oil and argan oil are generally considered safe for topical use, there are a few potential risks and precautions to keep in mind:

1. Allergic Reactions

Although rare, allergic reactions to jojoba or argan oil can occur. It's crucial to do a patch test before applying any new oil to a larger area of your skin. Apply a small amount of oil to your inner elbow and wait 24 hours to check for redness, itching, or irritation.

2. Skin Sensitivity

While both oils are generally gentle, some people with sensitive skin might experience irritation. If you have sensitive skin, start with a very small amount of oil and discontinue use if you experience any discomfort.

3. Comedogenicity (Pore Clogging)

Argan oil is generally non-comedogenic, meaning it shouldn't clog pores. However, some individuals with very oily skin might find argan oil too heavy.

Jojoba oil is also considered non-comedogenic due to its similar makeup to human sebum. However, everyone's skin reacts differently. If you notice breakouts after using jojoba oil, it might not be the right choice for you.

4. Overuse

Using excessive amounts of either oil can lead to greasiness and potentially clog pores. Start with a small amount and see how your skin reacts.

5. Sun Sensitivity

There's no scientific evidence to suggest that argan or jojoba oil increases sun sensitivity. However, it's always recommended to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, regardless of the oils you use.

6. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

While both oils are generally safe for topical use, there's limited research on their safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It's best to consult your doctor before using any new products during these times.


In conclusion, argan and jojoba oil are nature's treasure trove for hair and face, offering a wealth of benefits for health and beauty purposes. They deeply nourish your skin and promotes healthy growth of hair by preventing hair loss, it also combats frizz and soothes skin infections. Thus, these versatile oils can truly keep your skin healthy and make your hair look its best.

Whether you're looking for a gentle makeup remover for your face, a deeply hydrating hair mask, or a soothing after-sun lotion, these DIY recipes allow you to harness the power of these natural ingredients.

Remember, when possible, it's always advisable to try and find out what works best for you and always use pure argan and pure jojoba oil. With a little creativity and these DIY recipes as a starting point, you can truly enjoy its benefits and pamper your skin and keeps your hair healthy and beautiful for years to come.

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