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Clove Bud Essential Oil: Uses for Skin

Overview Of Clove Bud Essential Oil

Tiny but mighty clove buds have a myriad of benefits for the whole family. Clove bud oil is well-known for its properties, but read on to find out why this oil has so much more to offer.

What Is Clove Bud Essential Oil?

The clove tree, Syzgium aromaticum, is a slow-growing but long-living tree. It can grow up to 15-30 feet and easily live up to 100 years. They were originally native to the Spice Islands, but today, clove trees can be found growing in India, Jamaica, West Indies, Brazil, Sumatra, and other tropical climates.

Clove trees produce reddish-brown flower buds and are known for their smooth bark and green or grayish-yellow aromatic foliage. Unopened flower buds are often collected and dried to be used in meals, drinks, desserts, and essential oils.

Clove bud essential oil is made with dried and steam-distilled clove buds. Clove stems and clove leaf essential oils also exist, but clove buds are usually favored because of their composition and aroma. Steam distillation of the dried clove buds captures the “essence” of the buds and locks in all of the soothing benefits. The end product is a colorless to light yellow oil packed with eugenol, a phenol that largely contributes to the strong, spicy aroma of clove oil.

Name Clove Bud Essential Oil
Botanical Name Syzygium aromaticum
Native to Indonesia
Main ingredients Eugenol, eugenol acetate (eugenyl acetate) and beta-caryophyllene
Aroma Warm and spicy, just like cloves
Blends well with Cinnamon bark, orange, peppermint, rosemary, lavender, basil, nutmeg, lemon, citronella, geranium and grapefruit essential oils
Category Spicy
Substitute Clary sage, juniper berry or tea tree essential oils

Clove Bud Essential Oil Benefits

Curious about clove bud essential oil? Let’s take a closer look at its benefits and how you can use it for the whole family.


It Soothes the Body

It is frequently used in blends and balms. This warm oil is perfect for soothing away discomfort.


It Soothes Itchy Skin

Don’t let skin irritation get you down. Clove bud oil can relieve chronic itching when applied topically to the skin.


Good For Acne Treatment

Acne is prevalent among many people and not restricted to teenagers. In its case, prevention is the best option. Acne in the skin can be eliminated with essential oils. Clove bud oil is not as popular in skincare as its contemporaries,lavender, and peppermint or lemon oils. However the oil can always be used in a blend


Better Sex drive and Sex Life

In traditional medicine, the plant is harvested and dried flower buds extracted to boost the libido of people. In fact, some perfumery also used clove bud.

Clove Bud Essential Oil Uses

Though clove bud oil isn't commonly known, it helps with certain health related issues.. Depending on how and where you use it, clove bud oil can improve your well-being and uplift your daily routine. Here are some great ways to utilize this wonderful herb at home.

3. Numbs and Soothes Toothaches

A drop of clove essential oil has many dental application including preventing cavities and help relieve toothaches. The spicy essential clove bud herb can be used in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Clove Bud Essential Oil for Skin

1. Reduces Acne

Acne-ridden skin can benefit from clove bud oil. It cleans and purifies the skin.

2. Great For Aging Skin

Many skincare products use moisturizing clove bud oil to lessen the appearance of stretch marks, baggy eyes, and puffy skin.

3. Soothes Irritation

Clove bud oil is often used to soothe the itching and burning typically associated with coming in contact with poison oak or poison ivy. So it’s no surprise that many use this essential oil to treat dry, itchy skin.

Clove Bud Essential Oil for Hair

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Clove bud oil has several nutrients and has the ability to increase blood flow with a good massage. These qualities of the essential oil promote hair growth when applied on the scalp.

2. Prevents Scalp Dandruff

Dandruff affects a lot of people. Dandruff, especially, can be an embarrassing problem. The properties of the essential oil fight and prevent dandruff. It also soothes the skin and stops the itching sensation.

3. Delays Hair Graying

Premature hair graying is a problem that people in the city face. Even young children are affected with this problem. Clove oil stimulates the pigment responsible for the hair’s natural color. Apply the oil regularly for faster effect.

4. Get Shinier Hair

Clove bud oil is a moisturizer for the hair and it traps the moisturizer in the hair. This oil is helpful for those with dry hair or even lackluster hair. When applied on the hair, it treats split ends as well. However, the oil has been used sparingly because of its pungent scent.

How To Use Clove Bud Essential Oil

There are many ways to enjoy the health benefits of Clove Bud Essential Oil. Here are some ways you can get the most out of it!

Clove Bud Essential Oil For Breathing Meditation

Clove bud oil can be used while practicing breathing techniques. To try it out for yourself, all you need to do is apply a little bit of clove bud oil onto your chest. Here's how to get started:

Direction to use:

  1. Mix 2–3 drops of clove bud oil with an ounce of skin-friendly carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil.
  2. Spread the mixture onto your chest and gently inhale the aroma for 15-20 minutes to soothe wheezing and improve breathing.
  3. Wipe clean with a warm, damp cloth.

Clove Bud Essential Oil For Tooth

If you prefer a natural alternative for improving dental health , here is something you can try out.

Direction to use:

  1. Mix 1–2 drops (a few ml) of clove bud oil with 1 teaspoon of the carrier oil of your choice.
  2. Soak a cotton swab or cotton ball in the mixture.
  3. Gently rub the cotton swab or ball around the gums

You can also try “oil pulling” by swirling the mixture of clove bud oil and carrier oil in your mouth, and then spitting out the mixture.

Clove Bud Essential Oil For Skin

You can use clove bud oil to enjoy some much-needed relief for the skin. Here’s a method to apply clove bud oil to your skin:

Direction to use:

  1. Dilute clove bud oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut, or olive oil. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) recommends using 15 drops of clove bud oil per ounce of carrier oil to make a 2.5% solution that shouldn’t irritate skin.
  2. Gently rub or massage the mixture onto the skin.

Safety With Clove Bud Essential Oil

Essential oils are great for self-care routines. However, we should also take care and follow caution when using them to keep ourselves and loved ones safe from its side effects. Generally essential oils are safe, but a few guidelines must be followed to avoid any adverse effects.

Also, the oils are different, made up of different compounds. Some people may be allergic to certain compounds while others may be allergic to others. Concentrated oil must be bought after careful deliberation. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

  1. Read the label and instructions to make sure you’re using the oil correctly.
  2. While buying essential oils be wary of the terms fragrance oil, perfume oil and natural identical oil.
  3. The term pure essential oil can be widely seen on the bottles. These may be made from substandard sources.
  4. Ensure that you are not allergic to any ingredients or compounds in the oil.
  5. Make sure to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil for safe application.
  6. Do not add too much of the oil in the diffuser. Read about essential oil safety.
  7. Avoid using essential oils of sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.
  8. Don’t apply it on broken skin either unless it’s mentioned on the bottle or label.
  9. Keep it out of reach of kids and fur kids.
  10. Do not diffuse the oil near kids and pets. Consult a doctor before doing so.
  11. Some oils may make you sensitive to sun damage, so be sure to load up on SPF.
  12. Check the label to see if the oil is photo-toxic.
  13. The oil may cause embryotoxicity; consult a doctor before use.
  14. Always do a small patch test before topical application.
  15. If aromatherapy is performed directly from the bottle, make sure that the oil does not touch the skin.
  16. The common unwanted effects caused by essential oils up on topical application are rashes, redness and swelling.
  17. Many essential oils can trigger side effects. If you show signs of irritation, stop use and speak to a doctor before using essential oils.
  18. Some essential oils cannot be used by people with kidney problems, whereas some essential oils cannot be used by those with blood disorders. It is always advisable to consult a doctor about your essential oil needs and predisposition for diseases.

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