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Thyme Essential Oil Uses for Skin, Hair, and Aromatherapy

Overview Of Thyme Oil

A popular herb found in seasoning and food, Thymus Vulgaris or thyme, can also be extracted to form an essential oil. In its essential oil form, thyme helps with acne breakouts, as well as oral health.

Known for its potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, thyme essential oil has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. This article explores the various benefits and uses of thyme essential oil for skin, hair, and aromatherapy, providing a comprehensive guide to incorporating this essential oil into your daily routine.

What Is Thyme Essential Oil?

A traditional herb from the mint family, thyme is not only a culinary staple; It is considered a remedy for all sorts of ailments because of its overall health benefits. Going by the botanical name Thymus Vulgaris, this plant is native to Southern Europe and grows in Western Asia.

Thyme has been valued for its medicinal and culinary properties since ancient times. Native to southern Europe, this herb was used by the Egyptians for embalming, the Greeks for incense and medicinal purposes, and the Romans for purification and flavoring food. The essential oil extracted from thyme, known as thyme oil, has been used in traditional remedies to treat various ailments, highlighting its importance in natural medicine.

Research has found the use of Thyme to embalm mummies in ancient Egypt.

Derived from the Latin word thymus, thyme gets its name from its smokey and refreshing aroma. The ancient Greeks and Romans burned this traditional herb as incense in temples, homes, and symbolic religious places to keep the atmosphere fresh.

Today, thyme oil promotes skin care, improves oral health and promotes hair health. This oil is harnessed through the use of steam distillation to make its many benefits shine through.

Two Main Species of Thyme Oil

Red Thyme Oil

Red thyme oil is derived from the Thymus vulgaris plant through steam distillation of its fresh or partially dried flowers and leaves. It is known for its robust, earthy, and herbaceous aroma with a slightly medicinal undertone. The oil is reddish-brown in color and is highly concentrated.

White Thyme Oil

White thyme oil is also derived from Thymus vulgaris but undergoes an additional distillation process to remove some of the harsher compounds, resulting in a clearer, lighter oil with a milder aroma. It is pale yellow to almost colorless and has a softer, more refined scent compared to red thyme oil.

Benefits & Uses of Thyme Essential Oil

Main Constituents of Thyme Oil

The main component of thyme essential oil contains 40% thymol, followed by p-cymene, carvacrol, linalool, beta-caryphyllene and terpinen-4-ol.


Thyme Essential Oil

Botanical Name

Thymus vulgaris

Native to

Southern Europe

Main ingredients

Aplha and beta pinene, borneol, linalool, carvacrol, thymol, alpha-thujone, camphene, para-cymene


Herbaceous and spicy

Blends well with

Bergamot, lemon, rosemary, Melissa, pine, mandarin, cedarwood, lavender and chamomile essential oils




Lavender, lemon, rosemary or tea tree essential oil

Benefits, Uses And Blends Of Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil Benefits

Now, let’s get into some of the many reasons thyme is a staple in the essential oil world. Here’s a quick guide to navigating this powerful health-boosting extract.


It May Help Reduce Acne

Thyme essential oil can help cleanse and remedy several skin problems, including acne and pimples. Applying it with skincare products can help reduce the appearance of oily skin for a clean and smooth complexion.


It Relieves Coughs And Colds

Thyme essential oil offers relief in coughs and common cold. Breathing in thyme oil can help clear mucus and phlegm deposits from the nasal canal, so you can breathe better and feel freer.


It’s Beneficial For Oral Health

Thyme oil is also imbued with thymol, which is beneficial for your oral health.

It is used as an ingredient in mouthwash.


Repels flies and bugs

The compounds in thyme act as a repellant to flies, mosquitoes and bed bugs. It can be stored in a sprayer and a slight amount can be sprayed in the corners of the house and in the bed.


Youthful Skin

The topical application of the oil on the skin every night maintains the skin's youthfulness.


Energy Booster

Proper digestion of food and circulation of blood boosts the energy level of the body and does away with tiredness.

Thyme Essential Oil For Skin

Skin is standing at the balcony

7. It Promotes Healthy Skin

An essential oil rich in vitamin C thyme oil may naturally boost skin health. Applying it to the skin can help soothe rashes, and improves skin conditions.

8. Acne Treatment

Thyme oil is highly effective in treating acne due to its antibacterial properties. It helps eliminate the bacteria that cause acne, reducing inflammation and preventing future breakouts. When applied topically, thyme oil can penetrate the skin and clear out impurities, providing a cleaner and healthier complexion.

9. Anti-Aging

The antioxidant properties of thyme oil help protect the skin from free radical damage, which can cause premature aging. Regular use of thyme oil can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful complexion. By neutralizing free radicals, thyme oil helps maintain the skin’s elasticity and firmness.

10. Wound Healing

Thyme oil's antiseptic properties make it an excellent choice for treating minor cuts, scrapes, and wounds. It helps prevent infection and promotes faster healing by stimulating the production of new skin cells. This makes thyme essential oil a valuable addition to your first aid kit. Applying a diluted solution of thyme oil to minor wounds can speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of infection. 

11. Skin Conditions

Thyme essential oil can be beneficial in treating various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness and swelling.

For those struggling with chronic skin conditions, thyme oil can provide much-needed relief and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Regular application can help manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups, making it a natural alternative to conventional treatments.

12. Antifungal

Thyme oil's antifungal properties make it effective in treating fungal infections such as athlete's foot and ringworm. It can be applied topically to the affected area to help eliminate the fungus and promote healing. The antifungal action of thyme oil helps prevent the spread of infection and provides relief from itching and discomfort. Incorporating thyme oil into your skincare routine can help maintain healthy and fungus-free skin.

Thyme Essential Oil For Hair

Girl is holding her ponytail

13. It Promotes Healthier Hair

An ingredient found in many hair-care products, thyme oil is rich in nutrients that help improve hair and scalp health. It also eliminates stubborn dandruff and flakes for sleeker-looking locks.

14. Hair Growth

Thyme oil helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. It can be used in hair masks and scalp massages to encourage healthy hair growth. By improving blood flow to the hair follicles, thyme oil ensures that the scalp receives the necessary nutrients and oxygen, promoting thicker and stronger hair. Regular use of thyme oil can help reduce hair thinning and encourage the growth of new hair.

15. Dandruff Treatment

The antifungal properties of thyme oil make it effective in treating dandruff. It helps eliminate the fungus that causes dandruff and soothes the scalp, reducing flakiness and itching. Adding a few drops of thyme oil to your regular shampoo or creating a DIY scalp treatment can help keep dandruff at bay. The natural antifungal agents in thyme oil provide long-lasting relief from dandruff and maintain a healthy scalp.

16. Scalp Health

Thyme oil's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help maintain a healthy scalp by preventing infections and reducing inflammation. Regular use of thyme oil can improve overall scalp health and promote stronger, healthier hair. It helps clear out impurities, reduce excess oil production, and maintain a balanced scalp environment. A healthy scalp is the foundation for beautiful hair, and thyme oil can help achieve that.

17. Thyme Essential Oil For Respiratory Congestion

A remedial wonder, one of the healthy benefits of this essential oil to relief congestion and ease breathing. This is due to the thymol-rich content of thyme, which helps decongest the lungs and breathing canals. Here’s a diffuser blend that can help ease breathing difficulty:


Directions: Simply combine the ingredients into an oil vaporizer, and it will work its magic, soothing your breathing difficulty.

18. Thyme Essential Oil As an Insect Repellant

Nobody likes having to deal with bug bites or even the presence of bugs when they are adventuring through the great outdoors, and this is where thyme oil comes in handy. Exuding a scent that naturally keeps mosquitoes away, thyme will keep life's little annoyances at bay. Here’s a DIY essential oil recipe that keeps the bugs away and brightens your everyday life.


Directions: Simply combine the following ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well to incorporate. Spritz on before going outdoors for added protection from pesky bugs.

19. Thyme Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser Blends

Want to uplift the atmosphere in your home and improve the ambiance? Here are some thyme essential oil-inspired diffuser blends that do just that.

Garden Fresh

Ingredients :

Bright-Eyed Morning Blend


Snore-Stopper Blend



Simply choose one of these recipes and blend them into a diffuser to achieve the ambiance and mood that you desire.

Different Ways To Use Thyme Oil

Thyme essential oil, derived from the thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris), is highly versatile and offers a range of health benefits. Following are some of the common thyme oil uses:

Skin Care

Thyme oil is packed with antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that make it highly beneficial for skin health. The active compounds in thyme oil, particularly thymol, help eliminate acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts. 

The antioxidant properties of thyme oil protect the skin from free radical damage, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a youthful complexion. Thyme oil’s antiseptic properties help prevent infection and promote faster healing.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness, swelling, and itching associated with common skin conditions. Thyme oil’s antifungal properties help eliminate fungi and promote healing.

Hair Care

Thyme essential oil is also beneficial for hair health. Thyme oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. The antifungal properties of thyme oil help eliminate dandruff-causing fungi, soothe the scalp, and reduce flakiness. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help maintain a healthy scalp and promote overall hair health. 


Thyme oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its therapeutic benefits. The calming scent of thyme oil helps reduce stress and promote relaxation. The expectorant properties of thyme help clear congestion and support respiratory health. Thyme oil’s antimicrobial properties help boost the immune system and protect against infections.

Oral Health

Thyme oil is beneficial for maintaining oral health. Thyme oil is used in several dental products like mouthwash, etc. The antibacterial properties make it beneficial for oral health, helping to reduce bacteria and promote oral hygiene. It helps prevent gum infections, reduce plaque buildup, and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Massage Therapy

Thyme oil can be used in massage therapy to relieve muscle pain and tension. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce muscle pain and stiffness. This blend helps alleviate stress, improve mood, and promote overall relaxation. 

Household Cleaner

Thyme oil can be used as a natural household cleaner. It can be used in making natural surface cleaners. Its antimicrobial properties help eliminate germs. Also, it can be used in the form of air fresheners as well as it helps purify the air and eliminates odors. 


Thyme oil can also be added to your bath time routine. Adding few drops of thyme oil in your bath can help relax muscles and reduce stress, and also cleanses the body and improves circulation.

Safety When Using Thyme Oil

Essential oils are great for self-care routines. However, we should also take care and follow caution when using them to keep ourselves and loved ones safe from its side effects. Generally essential oils are safe, but a few guidelines must be followed to avoid any adverse effects. Also, the oils are different, made up of different compounds. Some people may be allergic to certain compounds while others may be allergic to others. Concentrated oil must be bought after careful deliberation. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

  1. Read the label and instructions to make sure you’re using the oil correctly.
  2. While buying essential oils be wary of the terms fragrance oil, perfume oil and natural identical oil.
  3. The term pure essential oil can be widely seen on the bottles. These maybe made from substandard sources.
  4. Ensure that you are not allergic to any ingredients or compounds in the oil.
  5. Make sure to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil for safe application.
  6. Do not add too much of the oil in the diffuser.
  7. Avoid using essential oils of sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.
  8. Don’t apply it on broken skin either unless it’s mentioned on the bottle or label.
  9. Keep it out of reach of kids and fur kids.
  10. Do not diffuse the oil near kids and pets. Consult a doctor before doing so.
  11. Some oils may make you sensitive to sun damage, so be sure to load up on SPF.
  12. Check the label to see if the oil is photo-toxic.
  13. Always do a small patch test before topical application.
  14. If aromatherapy is performed directly from the bottle, make sure that the oil does not touch the skin.
  15. The common unwanted effects caused by essential oils up on topical application are rashes, redness and swelling.
  16. If you show signs of irritation, stop use and consult a health professional.
  17. Some essential oils cannot be used by people with kidney problems, whereas some essential oils cannot be used with blood disorders. It is always advisable to consult a doctor about your essential oil needs and predisposition for diseases.

Recommended Thyme Essential Oil Products

Want to harness the many remedial benefits of thyme oil? There is no better place to get this remedial wonder than here! Click the link below to add our 100% pure and natural thyme oil to your checkout cart today.

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