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Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses for Skin, Hair, and Aromatherapy

Overview Of Cinnamon Oil

This sweet miracle oil is bursting with benefits! Cinnamon is a versatile oil that solves a wide range of everyday concerns. We’ll dive deep into all the nourishing properties of both cinnamon bark and cinnamon cassia oil.

What Is Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil?

Cinnamon bark is packed with soothing and nourishing ingredients for all your haircare and skincare needs. Pure cinnamon bark essential oil supports healthy hair growth and has often been used in everything from DIY shampoos to anti-acne treatments. It also has a warm, comforting aroma that brings deep relaxation.

This essential oil is a concentrated liquid extracted from cinnamon bark and is traditionally made through distilling the plant Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. However, it can also be extracted through mechanical methods such as cold-pressing. This helps the oil capture the “essence” of the plant’s scent as well as its soothing properties for which it is prized.

The two most common cinnamon trees are Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon. There are two types of cinnamon oil – cinnamon bark oil (from bark of the cinnamon tree) and cinnamon leaf oil.

Fun fact - Sometimes cinnamon sticks are also used in aromatherapy.

Benefits & Uses of Cinnamon Essential Oil


Cinnamon Essential Oil

Botanical Name

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Native to

Sri Lanka

Main ingredients

Cinnamaldehyde, cinnamate, Cinnamyl acetate, Eugenol and Eugenol acetate


Sweet and spicy

Blends well with

Bergamot, Black pepper, cardamom, clove, frankincense, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, lavender tea tree, wild orange and ylang ylang essential oils




Allspice essential oil

What Is Cinnamon Cassia Essential Oil

If you’re looking to explore the health powers of cinnamon, you might be more interested in cinnamon cassia instead. It’s a variant of cinnamon bark oil, although they’re sourced from the same type of tree.

Cassia cinnamon tends to have a stronger aroma. So if you’re looking for a natural home cleaner, we’d recommend trying out cinnamon cassia. Cinnamon cassia is also a better choice for colds, especially with its powerful spicy fragrance. But of course, both types of cinnamon are delightful, especially on a winter night when you’re feeling chilly. They also share many similar numerous benefits, which we’ll dive into right now.

Cinnamon Stick

Benefits Cinnamon Essential Oil

Both types of cinnamon oil share a myriad of benefits for skincare and haircare, let's explore some of them below!


It Helps Soothe Skin Irritations

You’ll love how the soothing plant extract gives you balanced skin all day long. This skin saviour cleans up excess dirt and impurities that cause flare-ups too!

The benefits of cinnamon essential oil are generally used in cosmetic skincare products.


It Promotes A Healthy Scalp

Enriched with many vitamins and minerals, cinnamon oil is just what you need to treat hair loss and breakage. Cinnamon oil gets right to the root problem: a lack of nutrients. Just a few drops aid circulation to your scalp which stimulates hair growth while improving hair health.

Enriched with many vitamins and minerals, cinnamon oil is just what you need to treat hair loss and breakage. Cinnamon oil gets right to the root problem: a lack of nutrients. Just a few drops aid circulation to your scalp which improves hair health.


It Helps Repel Bugs

Bug sprays are great, but their scent can make you feel uncomfortable. Cinnamon is a sweet alternative compared to icky repellents; it safeguards your spaces with the same effectiveness as normal repellents. It's especially good when you have little ones who’ll appreciate the warm, candy-like aroma it leaves behind.


Romance Enhancer

Cinnamon oil is aphrodisiac in nature and can boost a couple’s romantic life. Its aroma relaxes the mind.


Skin, Lips And Hair Health

Cinnamon has anti inflammatory properties and prevents inflammation of the skin. It can be diluted and applied on the skin and scalp to avoid inflammation, rashes and swellings. Warm cinnamon oil (diluted) is applied on the lips to get plump lips. This is because the oil boosts the circulation of blood to the applied region.

22 Uses of Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon Essential Oil For Hair

Girl is looking at mirror

1. It Treats Dandruff

Cinnamon oil properties help purify dandruff, leaving you with clean hair. It also contains soothing properties that comfort itchy scalps after you apply it topically. For flake-free hair, simply blend one drop of essential oil with a tablespoon of hair-nourishing carrier oils like jojoba oil and massage the mixture into your hair.

Girl is giving pose

2. It Volumizes Your Hair

Cinnamon oil also encourages healthy circulation to your scalp. This helps your hair absorb nutrients and strengthens your hair from the roots. To enjoy cinnamon oil’s full benefits, simply add one drop of cinnamon oil to a tablespoon of nourishing oils like jojoba for full-volumed locks.

3. Hair Massage Oil

Cinnamon essential oil is mixed with carrier oil (including coconut, almond, or olive oils) and gently massaged into the scalp for it to absorb all the nutrients and vitamins.

4. Hair Mask Using Cinnamon

The DIY ingredients are cinnamon oil, olive oil and honey. Apply the thick paste and leave it on the scalp for an hour. Later, wash it off with a shampoo. Do this treatment once a week for good results.

5. Denser, Thicker Hair

The compound cinnamaldehyde is a vasodilator and improves blood flow in the applied region. It is applied on the scalp to boost blood flow and stimulate thicker hair.

6. Insect repellant

Cinnamon oil can be dabbed on clothes to repel flies and insects while wandering, playing or partying outside.

7. Luscious Lips

Dilute cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil and apply on the lips to keep it hydrated and make it plump and attractive.

8. Nice Aromatic Rooms

A few drops of the oil can be mixed with water; stored in a sprayer as room spray; and used whenever the rooms start smelling foul.

9. Foot bath

Add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil, Epsom salt and warm water and soak the feet for half an hour for a relaxing feel. The oil may cause fungi to disappear from the feet.

10. Calm Upset Stomach

Apply a few drops of cinnamon oil after dilution on the abdominal area to treat discomfort in the stomach and boost digestion. (However, use extreme caution if consuming cinnamon oil.)

Research conducted in the year 2022 found that tea tree and cinnamon essential oils were best suited to fight against most C. difficile strains which cause diarrhea and colitis. (3)

11. Mood Upliftment

Inhaling the aroma of cinnamon boosts the mood and increases self-confidence and self-esteem. Inhale it directly from the bottle if needed.

12. Romantic Endeavors

Diffuse the aroma of cinnamon on date nights to forge a closer bond with your better half. Apply the oil as cologne.

13. Useful during Cold Season

Cold and flu seasons are quite common nowadays. To protect the whole family, diffuse cinnamon oil in the whole house.

15. Treat Head Lice

Dilute the essential oils and apply on the head. Allow it to stay for a few minutes before washing it off. This removes head lice and prevents its relapse.

16. For Cold Feet

Cinnamon oil increases the flow of blood. It can be massaged into the feet to avoid the trouble of cold feet at night.

17. Muscle Rub

For an instant muscle rub, add one drop of cinnamon essential oil with one tablespoon of almond oil and massage specific body parts.

18. Clean House

Add a few drops of the oil into the regular cleaning product and clean the house and furniture to remove pathogens.

19. Applied on Insect Bites

Cinnamon oil has health-related properties. It is applied on insect and bug bites to soothe the affected area.

How To Use Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon oil’s comforting aroma relaxes the mind when diffused. It can also be used in cleaning products. It can be mixed with carrier oils to make a great massaging oil. Discover how to make full use of the essential oil below.

Cinnamon Essential Oil In Home Cleaning

Cinnamon oil is a perfect home cleaner for sparkling living spaces! The potent oil is packed with natural cleansing properties that clean all kinds of surfaces. For a DIY cleaning spray, simply dilute 30 drops of cinnamon oil with water in a spray bottle. Apart from purifying dirt and grime, it’ll also leave behind a heartwarming scent that reminds you of Christmas.

Add a few drops of essential oil in aroma diffuser

Cinnamon Essential Oil In Aroma Diffusers

Cinnamon oil uplifts moods and restores energy for happy days. You can inhale it directly every morning to start the day on a positive note. Diffusing 5–6 drops of cinnamon oil around your living room will also promote a harmonious and peaceful mood for your family to enjoy. You can also blend cinnamon oil with 5–6 drops of cypress oil for a calmer ambiance. It also pairs well with eucalyptus oil which purifies the air and safeguards your family.

Aromatherapy with cinnamon essential oil is also useful for immunocompromised people. Inhaling the aroma the proper way can offer safeguard against respiratory tract mycoses. The active fungitoxic compound of cinnamon, Cinnamic aldehyde, fights against the fungi bothering the respiratory tract. Here’s the research that sheds more light on the topic.

How To Use Cinnamon Oil

The most popular uses of cinnamon are for skincare and aromatherapy. Depending on how you use it, cinnamon can really help you elevate your everyday life.

Cinnamon Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser Blend Recipes

Room Cleanser Blend

  • 2 drops of Cinnamon oil
  • 4 drops of Lavender oil
  • 3 drops of lemon oil, and
  • 1 drop of oregano oil

Cinnamon Recipe for Wellness

  • 1 drop of Cinnamon
  • 1 drop of Eucalyptus
  • 1 drop of Rosemary
  • 1 drop of Clove bud
  • 1 drop of Wild Orange

Diffuse this blend in a closed room and inhale the aroma in a meditative stance for 20 minutes.

Safety When Using Cinnamon Oil

Essential oils are great for self-care routines. However, we should also take care and follow caution when using them to keep ourselves and loved ones safe from its side effects. Generally essential oils are safe, but a few guidelines must be followed to avoid any adverse effects. Also, the oils are different, made up of different compounds. Some people may be allergic to certain compounds while others may be allergic to others. Concentrated oil must be bought after careful deliberation. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

  1. Read the label and instructions to make sure you’re using the oil correctly.
  2. While buying essential oils be wary of the terms fragrance oil, perfume oil and natural identical oil.
  3. The term pure essential oil can be widely seen on the bottles. These maybe made from substandard sources.
  4. Ensure that you are not allergic to any ingredients or compounds in the oil.
  5. Make sure to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil for safe application.
  6. Do not add too much of the oil in the diffuser.
  7. Avoid using essential oils of sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.
  8. Don’t apply it on broken skin either unless it’s mentioned on the bottle or label.
  9. Keep it out of reach of kids and fur kids.
  10. Do not diffuse the oil near kids and pets. Consult a doctor before doing so.
  11. Some oils may make you sensitive to sun damage, so be sure to load up on SPF.
  12. Check the label to see if the oil is photo-toxic.
  13. The oil may cause embryotoxicity; consult a doctor before use.
  14. Always do a small patch test before topical application.
  15. If aromatherapy is performed directly from the bottle, make sure that the oil does not touch the skin.
  16. The common unwanted effects caused by essential oils up on topical application are rashes, redness and swelling.
  17. If you show signs of irritation, stop use and consult a health professional.
  18. Some essential oils cannot be used by people with kidney problems, whereas some essential oils cannot be used by those with blood disorders. It is always advisable to consult a doctor about your essential oil needs and predisposition for diseases.

Recommended Cinnamon Essential Oil Products

Feeling a little festive? Snuggle up and enjoy the evening with cinnamon oil and our range of Christmas-themed scents here.

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